Tractors Rock!!!!

Posts: 546
Never again will i get agro because i am stuck behind a tractor doing 30mph.
Last night i managed to spin into a 3ft deep ditch and a random guy on his tractor pulled over and draged me out saving me the problems linked with phoning the insurance people and getting them to lift the car out.
<center>My jump bike My baby bike My road bike</center>
Last night i managed to spin into a 3ft deep ditch and a random guy on his tractor pulled over and draged me out saving me the problems linked with phoning the insurance people and getting them to lift the car out.
<center>My jump bike My baby bike My road bike</center>
LOL - ditch!!!!!
Lucky one there, make sure you get the car checked out for damage.
My Scott
My Single Speed
Always remember to pick your Uni according to the local trails or you'll be stuck with nowhere to ride for three years!0 -
yea the cars not to bad because i was only doing 35/40mph the road was really greasy so i clearly didnt slow down enough for the corner.
Car's ended up with the left side rear pannel caved it and the front shocks screwed once thats sort should just be a case of get the tracking sorted.
<center>My jump bike My baby bike My road bike</center>0 -
You should try and claim that the farmer tried to steal your car, or claim for damages as he pulled you out.
<center><b><font size="1"><font color="pink">
My Custom Steed</b></font id="pink"></font id="size1"></center><hr noshade size="1">
<font color="white">_</font id="white">\_/\_/\_/\__,
<b><font color="green">F</font id="green">lur<i>r</i>y co<font color="red">p</font id="red">ied <font color="orange">m</font id="orange">e.</b>0 -
or i should be gratefull that he saved me the œ400 excess i would of had to pay if i reported it
<center>My jump bike My baby bike My road bike</center>0 -
meh. you are boring.
<center><b><font size="1"><font color="pink">
My Custom Steed</b></font id="pink"></font id="size1"></center><hr noshade size="1">
<font color="white">_</font id="white">\_/\_/\_/\__,
<b><font color="green">F</font id="green">lur<i>r</i>y co<font color="red">p</font id="red">ied <font color="orange">m</font id="orange">e.</b>0 -
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by newmember</i>
You should try and claim that the farmer tried to steal your car, or claim for damages as he pulled you out.
<center><b><font size="1"><font color="pink">
My Custom Steed</b></font id="pink"></font id="size1"></center>
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
or you could go die.
<hr noshade size="1">
Fight The FC, Not Each Other
Richard0 -
Now now kids. No need for all this 'go die' talk. What if he did die, you'd feel bad about yourself then, wouldn't you. wouldn't you! I suggest you sit on your own for 5 minutes and think about your actions.
<hr noshade size="1"><font color="teal"><center><font size="2"><font face="Georgia">I'd rather not.</font id="Georgia"></font id="size2"></center></font id="teal"><hr noshade size="1"><font color="purple"><center><i><b><font size="2"><font face="Times New Roman"> "Boggis and Bunce and Bean. One fat, one short, one lean. These horrible crooks. So different in looks. Were none the less equally mean."</font id="Times New Roman"></b></font id="size2"></i></center></font id="purple">0 -
Fu<b></b>c<b></b>k off and die, grandpa.
<hr noshade size="1">
<font color="red">Euan Crawford</font id="red"><b><h6>ª_ª</h6></b><hr noshade size="1">
<font color="red">Euan Crawford</font id="red"><b><h6>But this one goes up to eleven...</h6></b>0 -
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Fantastic Mr Fox</i>
Now now kids. No need for all this 'go die' talk. What if he did die, <b>you'd feel bad about yourself then, wouldn't you. wouldn't you!</b> I suggest you sit on your own for 5 minutes and think about your actions.
<hr noshade size="1"><font color="teal"><center><font size="2"><font face="Georgia">I'd rather not.</font id="Georgia"></font id="size2"></center></font id="teal">
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
if by bad.. you mean very very good... then yes
<hr noshade size="1">
Fight The FC, Not Each Other