Stumpjumper FSR Frame Size?

Kimbo Posts: 8
edited May 2007 in MTB general
For some time now I have been considering making the move from my current Hardtail to a Full suspension bike. I have the opportunity to purchase a lightly used 2007 Stumpjumper FSR Expert with a medium frame for œ1500. Currently I ride an Orange Crush with a 19" frame, which although I generally find comfortable it can be a bit of a beast to manoeuvre on the windy single track that makes up most of my regular riding. My question is that at 6 ft tall would I find the medium frame too small? Specialized recommend the frame for up to 5'10" but when I sat on the bike it felt fine and my thinking is that with a smaller frame size I would find the bike more manoeuvrable. Would I be making a mistake if I purchased this bike?


  • miggillicuddy
    miggillicuddy Posts: 554
    Mine's a medium. I'm not tall(about 5'9 give or take...) but I've got the seat way up and I'll need to consider a longer stem If I grow anymore(i'm only 16 so it's a possibility:( )

    I would have <i>thought</i> it would be a tad small but definitely try and take the bike for a proper ride and see how the geometry feels.

    <hr noshade size="1"><center><font color="teal">~~</font id="teal"><font color="black">S</font id="black"><font color="maroon">tump</font id="maroon"><font color="black">J</font id="black"><font color="maroon">umper</font id="maroon"><font color="teal">~~</font id="teal"></center>
  • Jon71
    Jon71 Posts: 38

    I have just bought a Stumpjumper FSR Comp a few weeks ago and the medium felt to compact for me and I am 6 foot as well so I went for the large which feels a 'tiny' bit longer then my previous 19inch bike but when I measured from seat tip to grips it was the same. I have done a couple of 6 hour rides with no problems though so I feel it is the correct size for me.

    The medium definately felt too small though, you should maybe try one out though.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    im not sure if this will be much help but i have a 04 model stumpy in medium. the spec sheets suggested that the max height for the rider should be 5 foot ten. i am 6 ft one and find the bike perfect.
    to be honest, my reign and road bikes are "too small" for me but i prefer the more compact frame size.
    the only bike i ride which is correct for me is the orange and i still wish i'd bought the smaller size instead.

    basicly what i am saying is that the suggested bike size is a guide, whatever feels right for you is the correct size.

    <center><font color="black">p7s</font id="black"> Roadie <font color="red">Stumpy</font id="red"> <font color="green">Reign</font id="green"></center>
    <center>shirpy shirpy sheepsteeth</center>
  • Kimbo
    Kimbo Posts: 8
    Thanks for the feedback. I guess I will see if I can take the bike out for a ride or hire one locally to see how I get on. Is œ1500 a reasonable price for the Stunpjumper FSR Expert given that it is lightly used and would have cost œ2000 new? The other option I considered was to go for a new SJ FSR comp but the kit on the Expert is very tempting. Any views?
  • ddoogie
    ddoogie Posts: 4,159
    The sizing of a medium Stumpy FSR is perfect for me at 5'10". I'm running a zero layback post and a 100mm stem to get the reach just right. My 6ft buddy also found it quite nicely proportioned. Have a ride around on it and swap a few bits around to get the ideal bernard mathews!pit position.

    As for price; œ1500 seems fair. I'd definately go for the expert over the comp. Not that the comp is a bad bike but the kit on the Expert will make it lighter and much more like the bike it should be.

    <hr noshade size="1">
    <font size="1"><font color="red">S-Works Stumpjumper FSR</font id="red"></font id="size1">
    S-works Stumpjumper FSR

    I'll see you at the end.

    You'll see me on the floor.
  • Kimbo
    Kimbo Posts: 8
    Cheers for the feedback. Appreciate the advice.