felt rxc elite with rockshox tora 318 air

Posts: 2
hi, im new to mountain biking but am really getting into it! i have decided to buy a felt rxc elite from www.wiggle.co.uk. however the forks that come with are rockshox tora 318 air's...and i was wondering if any of u know if they come with a remote lockout system or if one can be purchased seperatley fro the forks or whether or not i will need to buy a whole other set of forks to get a remote lockout system.
thanks very much for any help.
thanks very much for any help.
i don't think they come with lockout on the felt rxc elite, but they can have a lockout fitted, im not sure how much they go for on ebay, but it is not extortionate. some people buy another set of forks such as the Dart, then sell them without the lockout.
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