which disc brake for XC?

clipper Posts: 60
edited June 2007 in MTB workshop & tech
Apologies if this discussion has been done to death already but having finally had enough of the woeful performance and high maintenance my Hayes HFX-9 XC have offered me in their first 12 months I'm looking to upgrade. Looking at either Avid Juicy 7 or Shimano XT with a 160 rear 185 front but before taking the plunge I'd be grateful if any of you have any pointers with either of these or other brands like Formula or Magura? Budget is something less than œ200 for a complete setup. Thanks.


  • ddoogie
    ddoogie Posts: 4,159
    Shimano XTR - œ99 a side

    Superb modulation and lever shape. Best brakes around IMO.

    <hr noshade size="1">
    <font size="1"><font color="red">S-Works Stumpjumper FSR</font id="red"></font id="size1">
    S-works Stumpjumper FSR

    I'll see you at the end.

    You'll see me on the floor.
  • KeelKlein
    KeelKlein Posts: 144
    Got a Hope Mini and its more than up too the job of stopping my colossal weight (95kgs) at speed. Just want to keep it in the UK if i can, if not then Shimano every time
  • clipper
    clipper Posts: 60
    Other than bling and saving a few grammes do the XTR brakes offer much over the XTs? Does anybody recommend the Juicy 7's (which can be picked up for œ160 on eBay)? I am tempted by the Hope but not sure I can justify the extra sheets.
  • KeelKlein
    KeelKlein Posts: 144
    I think that the XTR is just more bling, if there is any real bite difference then you'd prob have to be a top pro to notice it. A lot of people do like the Juicy's but I do just like Shimano stuff it seems to work and be well made, i only went for the Hope as i had a œœœ bonus from work and blew if on the Mini, as i've always wanted one, no other reason than that.

    One thing i notice with all disk brakes is that they hate to be feathered as they seem to loose some bite, I guess its the pads glazing up a little the bite can easily be restored with a few full on applications down a steep hill.
  • clipper
    clipper Posts: 60
    Cheers for that. Not hear much about these but looking into this a bit more I am really tempted by some Formula Oro's which get very good reviews on mtbr.com
  • mongooseTE17
    mongooseTE17 Posts: 328
    I would go for Avid Juciy 7's or Formula oro's both are excellent. I never have liked mineral oil brakes like shimano, they just dont feel righ imo.

    My Elite!
  • dave_s
    dave_s Posts: 4,362
    Juicy 7's are great, I've got 185 front rotor and 160 rear rotor Avid Juicy 7's as an All-Mountain setup on my full-susser and can't fault it.
    I'm sure small rotor up front would be fine for XC only too if you're really watching the grammes.
    Dave S
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    i run xt on the stumpy and reign, i weigh in at over 125kilos and even the 160mm ones on the stumpy stop me dead well. i run a 185mm on the front of the reign and the stopping is soopoib!!
    it is well worth fitting aftermarket sintered pads by the way, i think they are the reason for the top notch stopping power.

    <center><font color="black">p7s</font id="black"> Roadie <font color="red">Stumpy</font id="red"> <font color="green">Reign</font id="green"></center>
    <center>shirpy shirpy sheepsteeth</center>
  • KeelKlein
    KeelKlein Posts: 144
    Dood, cheers for that advice i'll look out 4 some sintered pads, i guess they eat the rotors though?
  • I have 160mm juicy 5's on my 'hopper which work really well seeing as i'm 17st, simple to set up and maintain also...could save you some cash in exchange for forfitting the extra lever adjustability?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by KeelKlein</i>

    Dood, cheers for that advice i'll look out 4 some sintered pads, i guess they eat the rotors though?
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

    they dont seem to be doing too much damage to be honest, spose time will tell though.
    In all honesty, i only put xt on the spesh because i wanted dual controls and it all came as a package. the previous set was plain old m535 deore and they were outstanding (again with after market pads and thoroughly well bled), especially as they are so cheap, i havent noticed any better braking with the upgraded xt set but they are equally as good.

    <center><font color="black">p7s</font id="black"> Roadie <font color="red">Stumpy</font id="red"> <font color="green">Reign</font id="green"></center>
    <center>shirpy shirpy sheepsteeth</center>
  • thaibog
    thaibog Posts: 271
    Old hope minis ..stop my 18 stone frame quickly and without fuss..get a bit hot on extended downs but never faded on me yet..good to go with twin 200mm disks

    thumbs up for the hope's

    http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/?op=list& ... rid=148766
  • dave_s
    dave_s Posts: 4,362
    I'd agree with Thaibog on that, the pre-mono Hope minis were fantastic brakes.
    I still use them on my Cove with sintered pads and they're superb still.
    The new minis are supposed to be good again now too, but I've heard a few people complaining about Mono Minis.
    Out of the box though Avid Juicy 7s would be my choice out of brakes I've tried to date. Really easy to setup and powerful once bedded in even with stock pads
    Dave S
  • thaibog
    thaibog Posts: 271
    lo dave..

    i have not gone on to the sintered pads yet..still using the set i have which have lasted me 7 months of winter/dust/the last months downpour ..will move onto them in the next few weeks ..where you get yours from?..i hear there are better after market pads than the hope own brand ..

    http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/?op=list& ... rid=148766
  • dave_s
    dave_s Posts: 4,362
    Thaibog, I've used Goodridge sintered pads and they're pretty good but I don't have probs with Hope pads really either. The pads tend to last ages so I'm not even sure what brand pads I've got in on my old minis now, I've only changed the pads 3 times since I got them years ago.
    I've got a few bikes so maybe they're not getting worn down that fast but pads do seem to last a long time and Goodridge or EBC are well worth looking at if you want alternatives to Hope in aftermarket pads.
    Weirdly my old Hope minis stopped squealing about 6 months after I got them and the squeal never re-appeared even when it rains (and it rains alot where I live).
    I just wish I knew why so I could make my other brakes shutup in the rain too.
    Dave S
  • Dangerous Dave
    Dangerous Dave Posts: 8,349
    I believe wiggle had an offer on: œ120 for a complete set of Shimano XT brakes.... I ran Saints which run the same caliper just different colour and I've not been able to find a better set of brakes overall.

    <hr noshade size="1"><font size="1"><font color="red">[<font color="black">another random post by</font id="black">]</font id="red"></font id="size1">
    <font size="2"><i><b><font color="black"><font face="Verdana">B<font color="red">i</font id="red">GDaVe</font id="Verdana"></font id="black"><font color="red">!</font id="red">[}:)]</b></i></font id="size2"><font color="black"><font size="1"><center>[}:)]<font face="Trebuchet MS">GeT Orf YeR ASs AnD RIdE A BIkE</font id="Trebuchet MS"></font id="black">[}:)]</font id="size1">
    <font size="1"><font color="black">Chameleon</font id="black"> | <font color="black">RaveRacing</font id="black"> | <font color="black">Uber Gemini</font id="black"></center></font id="size1">
    <hr noshade size="1"><font size="1"><i>Originally posted by Jon</i>
    <center>As Dave and Alex raced past, someone in the other group of people said 'those two are good'. [:D]</font id="size1"></center><hr noshade size="1">
    Shut up. And ride your bike.
    Originally posted by Jon
    As Dave and Alex raced past, someone in the other group of people said 'those two are good'
  • Ive got avid juicy 7's and there ace only the rear 160 though dont use it for xc although i do travel far i usr it for dirt jumping its finr and works a treat.

    Alistair Mitchell
    Alistair Mitchell
  • clipper
    clipper Posts: 60
    Thanks for all the responses but I blew the budget and plumped for some Formula Oro K24... hopefully won't be asking the same question again anytime soon.
  • Dangerous Dave
    Dangerous Dave Posts: 8,349
    Oro's are excellent brakes... just what I have on both my Chameleon and Gemini!

    <hr noshade size="1"><font size="1"><font color="red">[<font color="black">another random post by</font id="black">]</font id="red"></font id="size1">
    <font size="2"><i><b><font color="black"><font face="Verdana">B<font color="red">i</font id="red">GDaVe</font id="Verdana"></font id="black"><font color="red">!</font id="red">[}:)]</b></i></font id="size2"><font color="black"><font size="1"><center>[}:)]<font face="Trebuchet MS">GeT Orf YeR ASs AnD RIdE A BIkE</font id="Trebuchet MS"></font id="black">[}:)]</font id="size1">
    <font size="1"><font color="black">Chameleon</font id="black"> | <font color="black">RaveRacing</font id="black"> | <font color="black">Uber Gemini</font id="black"></center></font id="size1">
    <hr noshade size="1"><font size="1"><i>Originally posted by Jon</i>
    <center>As Dave and Alex raced past, someone in the other group of people said 'those two are good'. [:D]</font id="size1"></center><hr noshade size="1">
    Shut up. And ride your bike.
    Originally posted by Jon
    As Dave and Alex raced past, someone in the other group of people said 'those two are good'
  • Hope your brakes serve you well :)



  • paulf2007
    paulf2007 Posts: 341
    I have juicy carbons on my trance, xtr on my anthem and xt on my hardtail, very little difference in any of them. What I would say is the xtr has to be shimmed, whereas the xt and avids have post mount adapters and are quickly adjusted. Another reason why I'm going off hopesthough I've heard the new ones are adjustable. <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by clipper</i>

    Other than bling and saving a few grammes do the XTR brakes offer much over the XTs? Does anybody recommend the Juicy 7's (which can be picked up for œ160 on eBay)? I am tempted by the Hope but not sure I can justify the extra sheets.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
  • breezer
    breezer Posts: 1,225
    I am thinking of getting some Ora K24's as well. If I got a 160mm front now and decided I wanted a 180mm later what do I need to buy other than a new rotor. Presumably a mount adapater? CRC only seem to list avid/hope/shimano etc mounts, no Forumla ones at all?

    2005 Azonic Propulsion
    1998 DMR Trailstar
    1992 Breezer Lightning Pro
  • clipper
    clipper Posts: 60
    I believe Formula sell their rotors as hardware kits that include the mounting you will need. Unfortunately there seems to be a shortage of Formula stock in the country right now so I'm yet to get my mitts on anything.
  • Dangerous Dave
    Dangerous Dave Posts: 8,349
    <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by clipper</i>

    I believe Formula sell their rotors as hardware kits that include the mounting you will need. Unfortunately there seems to be a shortage of Formula stock in the country right now so I'm yet to get my mitts on anything.
    <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
    This is caused by there being a new supplier who is just a one man band... can't keep up with demand!!!

    <hr noshade size="1"><font size="1"><font color="red">[<font color="black">another random post by</font id="black">]</font id="red"></font id="size1">
    <font size="2"><i><b><font color="black"><font face="Verdana">B<font color="red">i</font id="red">GDaVe</font id="Verdana"></font id="black"><font color="red">!</font id="red">[}:)]</b></i></font id="size2"><font color="black"><font size="1"><center>[}:)]<font face="Trebuchet MS">GeT Orf YeR ASs AnD RIdE A BIkE</font id="Trebuchet MS"></font id="black">[}:)]</font id="size1">
    <font size="1"><font color="black">Chameleon</font id="black"> | <font color="black">RaveRacing</font id="black"> | <font color="black">Uber Gemini</font id="black"></center></font id="size1">
    <hr noshade size="1"><font size="1"><i>Originally posted by Jon</i>
    <center>As Dave and Alex raced past, someone in the other group of people said 'those two are good'. [:D]</font id="size1"></center><hr noshade size="1">
    Shut up. And ride your bike.
    Originally posted by Jon
    As Dave and Alex raced past, someone in the other group of people said 'those two are good'