Wednesdays Wibbling Wives Revoke Woke Dreams

Dammit, steroids.
Dark here. Very dark. Silent. Very silent. Well as expected for 2.50am
Back to bed to the 'Solaris Treament' once again.
Buckets of coffee required later one expects.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
Hope you are asleep now p69
office today for organised Christmas fun 🙄 hope the canteen is open, it’s upsetting going from subsidised lunch to m&s
run with a pal later but still got tired legs from 2.5hrs last night
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Think I drifted off as yet again missed the end of Solaris. Gotta listen to the damn thing again. Like Sisyphus!
Up again at 5.50 as usual.
Porridge. Treck to hospital to collect MORE meds. Might pop into carpet shop nearby for new hall runner. Oh, I'm living the life!
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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I didn't have a mobile phone or laptop back in early/mid nineties. Probably a good thing as I would have got into a lot of trouble. I learned the external dialling suffix in my hospital room and was calling everyone and ran up a big bill. I even spoke to journo's at the Independent newspaper - but that's another story.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Anyhoo, (you have my sympathies p69) Morning!
Not so dark here. Not raining yet either. Day 3 of roofers. Beans is not a happy bunny. He attacked Mrs P last night for the first time ever. Mrs P did not take kindly to being attacked. I found it hilarious which added to Mrs P's irk.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
2 degrees and misty as fuck here yet the met office forecast shows full 🌞. So riding outside isn’t looking promising. I might go for a walk as I’m not sure I can face another turbo session.
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Could and misty here too, maybe Zwift again!
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Up and out early this morning, not P69 early but at the gym for a 6am spin class.
Probably get a weight session in later and then an early night.
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
Morning, finished the first round of Teams torture, getting peckish now. Chilly here as the heater keeps kicking in. Currently looking at the forecast for tomorrow and seeing how unpleasant a ride into work might be.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Yup, so went for a lie down at 7.45 and snoozed till 9.30.
Went for hike to hospital to collect more steroids. Carried on via a mistaken path involving a big detour to the outlying village to visit a carpet shop for a new hall runner. Shop was shut. Typical.
Long walk home. Cuppa tea then time for lunch. More eggs. Maybe spinache too?
Nearly 5 miles walked.
On plus side replacement SCART to Composite cable has just arrived. Might try wedding video transfer later.
Also notification that British Gas are reducing out monthly payments by £100 a month!!! Which s nice. We are nearly £1k in credit which is not a bad thing with the rate energy seems to be increasing.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Wish I could walk 5 miles. Will be a while before I can. However, fitness is improving, e.g. the challenge of getting down The Slope driveway to the street, and postbox, then back up to the house is now rel easy peasy. Onwards.
Ride my bike? Sometime, over the rainbow...
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No gym but managed to buy some chinos for the weekend. Currently tapping away on a laptop with lots of work/motorway ahead.
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
Baby steps 'Loon. It all takes time. Recovery does go in fits and starts!
TBH today is the worst I've felt for a long time. Just low, fed up, tired, cold, miserable and bored. I've not been bored in years. Ever. Always bust doing stuff. Today CBA.
Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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Ended up Zwifting, then a wee walk, decorating the Chriatmas trees after that i.e. being told where to put stuff.
Enjoyed a frangipan mince pie( Reduced at Tesco)
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Have gone for the hybrid communt option tomorrow as the rain looks a bit light. So urrently carb loading with some apple based drinks while watching the footy, followed by Day of the Jackal.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0