saturday solving people problems with high neutron fluence

continuing cloudy with bits of sun
ride cafes laze
Windy. Blowy. Über-breezy. WINDY AF.
Minor chores at home, went walking before the rain comes back to join the wind. Now wondering whether to buy a new Garmin watch or not. 🤔
Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS0 -
Looks nice out of the bedroom window, bike cleaning and chores then off to Glasgow for a meal for daughters partners birthday meal.
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Bit grey out there this morning but not too bothered. Quick trip to the shops then train it up to Northampton to see the Undertones. But not before a slap up Chinese and a few beers.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
That was a mouthful.
I'll get my coat.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
As soon s I get the DW's out the door, i'll be able to go pedal (in this fantastic weather).
Bike is all shiny and ready to roll as I fettled it yesterday for the first time in I don't know how long.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!1 -
🤣 especially said quickly (quichely?)
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Bit chilly 1st thing though, 6c when we got up
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sun has failed to peek through, rather windycold ride
triple-layer toasted chicken sandwich next
my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny0 -
Missus has a running related injury surprise surprise, but fortunately it’s in her butt area and I’m under orders to vigorously massaged injured area after her shower. Fixed a stubborn tap washer am and was planning on doing some long over due gardening pm but gassed myself on the tap. Currently sipping left over tequila from last night’s margaritas while I wait.
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
This morning turned out to be quite busy with visits to the tip, charity shop then in to town to get some pictures reframed. Rehab weights done, now waiting for todays power cut as we seem to get one every time it’s windy which is most days. Yesterdays arrived just as we thinking about preparing tea. Might have to keep eating all afternoon just in case.
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Afternoon folks,
Traditional slow start was enjoyed, bit gloomy out and a touch windy. Ventured over to Lidl for pastries and a few bits and pieces. Seems to be Italian week so bought some unnecessary nibbles. Mild pottering to be done whilst keeping out of the way of the EPO as she prepares to go on holiday. Daughter on the other hand will pack her bag on Monday evening in a panic and find it's too late to get anything she's missing.
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Stressed day, checked out of hotel #1 as it was minging, found hotel #2 online which is much nicer.
happy wife = happy life.
had a chill by the clean pool (18.9m) if it is of consequence.
dinner out shortly. Mega hot!
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
You sip Tequila? Pour it on the missuses sore patch to sterilise.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
'Happy wife' is only very temporary.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
I thought you had a pad out there so what's with the hotels?
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Turned out windy again.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
He was travelling further south as I recall. Difficult to get much further north in Italy mind.
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Why swap Lake Como for some flea bitten Hotel in say... arid Sardinia (avoiding the cess pit Napoli on the way)?
BTW, have they fixed the illegal dumping of waste in the fields around Napoli? (terra dei fuochi)
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Como is beautiful, but he's been there often enough.
You'd have to ask the camorra about Neapolitan bin collection, I believe they control everything around those parts.
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Whereas Happy husband = 'We'll see about that' or 'What's he been up to?'
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
The house is in Menaggio but we’re having a week down in Sorrento for a change.
Advocate of disc brakes.0