friday coreless pu pineapple ideal as a most decorative pulsed nuclear reactor

the sunny start /cloudy later pattern continues
ride cafe wfh laze
Shoot sleep, bright side enjoyed a run as the sun came up.
work from hospice then hopefully gym & pub with pals but obviously fluid
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Cool overnight and moonlight clear. Now drizzling. Meh.
Vuelta has been excellent so far. Take out the big hitters and you have a race.
Bi-annual blood test today. Hopefully, they don't muck it up this time.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Did you sort access to that hotel snooker table?
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No response from Mo. I emailed the hotel (group). No reply. Might have to go speak to them in person. Much annoyed.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
I'm just grumpy today, not helped by the fact that I’m in a chain cafe with comedy oversized tables meaning I have to sit next to people I don’t know/like/want to know.
Advocate of disc brakes.0 -
No rain , actual outside bike ride today.
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Quieter day today WFH. Mrs. 666 palm tree thing turned up today and delivery bloke said he was only allowed to do kerbside delivery (not what they told us at the garden centre when we bought it), so managed to stick it in a wheelbarrow and manhandle it up the hill. Looks quite nice, hope it doesn't die when it starts getting frosty.
Should be a good weekend, off up to Northampton to see The Undertones tomorrow and get a few beers in.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Derry Boys indeed. But sans Feargal. Enjoy. But Northampton....?
Another dry day! Jings, woss 'appenin'? Get the hedge trimming round #2 completed at last is first on list. Then, loadsastuff to do.
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Frost protection sheet.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!1 -
Hope they make them in a decent size.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Can't do much about the lack of Feargal. Venue wide we kinda had to compromise with people coming from Lake District, Nottingham and my corner.of the world. Venue looks alright.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Ooh, we’re going tropical 🌴. The big boy must have set you back a few quid. The little yucca will be bigger than the palm in 5 years.
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי0 -
60% off at the garden centre end of summer clear out was too much for Mrs. 666 to ignore. I said that I knew a good way of saving another 40%...
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
They do. The other way is to put a light underneath it.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Seen them at a festival a couple of years ago , they are still good.
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Never mind that, where tf 'aveyewbeen?
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Who the fuck are you?
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Good to know - looking forward to this one.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]1 -
Afternoon folks,
Busy day of shirking from home, spent lunchtime looking at stuff on Fleabay. Spotted a rather rare old frame for sale cheap in Rome, fortunately too small for me.
Nearly finished work avoidance for the day, off to a friend's for a drink shortly.
Have you still got any blood now the vampires have finished with you Pinno?
Onwards and upwards...
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Too far from any power sources for that unfortunately.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]0 -
Father to a son, Husband to a wife and I shall have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי1 -
Out early this morning to pick up new bike and have a bike fit. However this showed other than possibly moving my shoe plates a couple mm’s everything was pretty dialled in. Then a visit to physio for a bit of pummelling, supermarket for some wine. Followed by a quick ride on new bike.
Might be time to open said wine.
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seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Alright Maximus Decimus Meridius , calm down, calm down.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
You do know I’m a boomer and have no idea what that means. If you’d put TTFO I’know that😂😂
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May this year: Mucked my bloods up, recalled me and then lost the results so I went for the 3rd time. Today, went in, had them done and she called me back just as I got home saying she was sorry but the lid came off the FBC vial. So, she waited for me and I went straight back in. Opted for the right arm and she got the butterfly wrong, and then opted for the left arm (again).
Sheesh! I should do the job myself.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
I'm hoping your vengeance includes getting a round in at the bar 🍻
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I've not had them screw up that badly. Usually they just didn't believe me when I told them not to try and get blood from the inside of the elbow as the veins were cattled from all the chemo. After trying and failing they do what I told them to do in the first place. Problem is I wound up with more holes in me than were necessary.
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Pictures Or It Didn't Happen (of the bike obvs.).
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0 -
Your shed is wonky.
seanoconn - gruagach craic!0