Boardman 9.x saddle rail clamp

javidr Posts: 139


im having issues with the saddle clamp of my Boardman bike. It is sliding backwards, and I think it’s because the washer is a bit bent and doesn’t lock the saddle

its the second time I have the same problem so I would need to find either a replacement for the washer or for the clamp, but it doesn’t seem to be a standard one

Can you advise where could I find a compatible replacement? I know Boardman would sell that part but I would prefer to avoid buying the original Boardman part as it is problematic



  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,203

    I’m wondering if part of your clamp is missing. I don’t know this post, but often there are two clamp plates, in addition to the one piece post and your bolt.

    I can’t imagine how you could bend any washer if it’s in the correct place.

  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,203

    From a different forum: discussion of seatpost on another model.

  • javidr
    javidr Posts: 139

    Hi. Yeah I saw that one as well but seems unrelated

    there is no part missed, and maybe washer is not the right word… if you see the picture there is a thin plate between the screw and the clamp. I fear I might have tightened the screw too much and it damaged the plate. That’s just my gut feeling

  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2024

    Is the plate you have flat? Usually arch shaped to fit into the clamp slot


  • javidr
    javidr Posts: 139

    Yep it’s flat, the problem is when you tighten the bolt too much it gets arched and doesn’t put enough pressure on the clamp

    do you reckon it should be arch shaped?

    any idea where can I buy those?


  • Mad_Malx
    Mad_Malx Posts: 5,203

    My guess is that someone missed the proper part out during assembly.

    Need to try whoever makes the seatpost, but you may be ok with a generic. No idea where i would buy one - usually just rummage around my bits box, but it would be with an old post.

  • Webboo2
    Webboo2 Posts: 1,298

    Take the seat post in to your local bike shop and see if they’ve got an old part that fits.