Set in Muck

Hi all,

Ashamed to say I have neglected cleaning my bike over the winter months and as a result my cassette has some set in muck that won't come off with brushing alone. The muck will come off if you pick it but obviously, this would take forever to pick off so I thought about taking off/ dismantling the cassette and going at it with some degreaser and wire wool. Not sure if this would damage the cassette or if anyone has any tips to help me get it back to a cleaner state.



  • I put really bad cassettes in the sonic cleaner at 50/60 ° soak it in hot water ,most of it will fall off after a good soak

  • super_davo
    super_davo Posts: 1,234

    Ultrasonic cleaners are amazing but expensive (unless you want to get into chain waxing). Cheap option is just to take apart and spray with WD40 and wipe with a rag. WD40 is a crap lubricant but it's a pretty good solvent. A water based degreaser mixed with hot water (personal favourite is No Nonsense from Screwfix) is another good choice.

  • When it is that hard gunk the degreasers don't really touch it unless you soak it for ages. I take the wheel off and get a short thin blade a scrape it along the sides of the cogs whilst turning them. Bit like when you scrape the worm of muck off rear jockey wheel.

    Doesn't take long, can degrease after.