budget GPS cyclocomputer

So far I've resisted buying a cycling specific GPS device, and always used my Smartphone.

Maybe cycling specific devices have some advantages, rain resistance, longer battery life, though these are minimal: unlikely that I ride at all when raining, or I can store away my Smartphone, phone battery with Strava and GPS lasted over 8hr....

If I had other devices (powermeter, cadence monitor, HR monitor), they would probably link to my phone.

And if I had a device, now that I'm used having my phone with me during all rides, I would probably continue carrying it.

But buying new toys is always fun, and thanks to Chinese electronics these thingy are much less expensive than I thought.

So, are low cost cycling specific GPS computer any good? Which do you use?


  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,640

    Garmin 500 £20 used.

  • bettina.yfBcm-6wvK
    edited May 11

    BP Doctor smartwatch, also very cheap.

  • oxoman
    oxoman Posts: 349

    Bryton rider 750 is what I defected to after having issues with garmin 💩. Used smartphone for 4 or 5yrs before getting the bryton purely for following routes on long rides. Smartphone has been good for 10hrs plus with GPS and Bluetooth on for HRM. Bryton do cheaper models as well. Seen several cheap Chinese smart watches and bike gps,s with running and biking mates and there never 100% or don't last long.

    Too many bikes according to Mrs O.