Urgent appeal for displaced world-class cyclist

Copied from elsewhere. Sounds like someone from a war-torn nation.


URGENT APPEAL: Please can anyone help? I have an 18-year-old rider who has fled his country for safety and is currently in the UK. I don’t know where to begin to even describe what he has lost emotionally and personally, but he rode the Junior World Championships in Glasgow before he returned home to what has become a nightmare situation and now has nothing, no family, no bike. All he has is the clothing he left in.
I am trying to get some form of normality back into his life, and something for him to focus on. He is a lad who is full of potential with a fantastic attitude, but I need a little bit of help.
This is a bit of a shopping list below and I’m sure we can arrange logistics of getting him up and running:
A Bike!!! A BIG ASK I know but a size 56cm – anything in a good roadworthy condition bearing in mind he hasn’t got the money to take it for bike repairs!
Clothing Manufacturers – I know I have friends in this area – can you help with any returns or spares? Jacket, shorts, tops etc
Cycling Helmet
Cycling shoes (size 43)
Road Running shoes for running as he is keen to run off season (size 43)
I’m bound to have missed something but if you have anything further to offer, please message me privately. EDIT: People have kindly asked if they can make a monetary donation so any amount would be most welcome. Please click on the link below:


Thank you so much in advance…Christine (UK)