tuesday silence tells me secretly, everything, everything


it be a nippy start to international talk like a pirate day

quick ride, cafes, wfh, splice the mainbrace, arrr
my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny


  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,149
    Ha har me hearties

    What are you up to ye scallywags?
    Who be havin' a party 'n slappin' the wenches?

    We be pretty sure Tricky thinks it's international grumpy day.
    ...'n it's rainin'. 'twon't stop rainin'. So i'll be pedallin' indoors.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Morning landlubbers
    Wet and very windy here. Todays adventure might be risking a trip to the shops given the weather. Was it only a week ago when it was 30 plus degrees.
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,839
    Busy morning dealing with assorted 'stuff', managed to avoid drinking too much free grog last night so feeling quite fresh.. Autumn has definitely arrived here after a bit of a delay...a long sleeved top was needed in the cave this morning.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Shiver me timbers, splice the mainbrace, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.

    Office today and tomorrow. Train down to SW tomorrow night. Work there Thursday, then a long stroll Friday and Saturday.
  • Arrrrr feckit. Sunny and warm start, soon turned to ugly wind. Town visit to chiropractor and assorted errands.

    Offloaded a giant bag of stuff to charity shop, just been sitting in a spare room for far too long. Clearly not needed so may as well donate it.
    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • Had a decent weekend with some decent fishing and the obligatory seaside outing which was expensive, windy and as tacky as can be expected.

    Manage a Zwift today before work.

    Nothing much outdoors is planned as it's torrential. Truck not helping as the AC pump died in Italy and the new one is being fitted tomorrow.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • Wow, that's quite something.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,104
    That’s an awesome pic!

    Work snizzle down the toll road, bright side lots of biscuits and pizza for lunch to compensate for meeting boredom.

    Long drive home due to a lorry fire so tonight’s run involved a head torch 😢