Be afraid, be very afraid

Credit to Jan Harold Brunvand for the above but you will know exactly what I mean after watching the iHuman-Storyville programme on BBC 4 tonight.
Here is the link for iplayer ;
I disapprove of what you say but will defend....your right to say it. Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire08 Cotic Soda-deceased!10 Bianchi 928 c2c23 Marin Nicasio2


  • focuszing723
    focuszing723 Posts: 8,284
    When AI strains can elove their self the evolution rate will be fascinating.
  • focuszing723
    focuszing723 Posts: 8,284
    Will AI strains fight for supremacy/survival? Will it need to for physical form and achieve what it considers it's goal? Exploration, knowledge, more resources?