Looking for a Watch

Looking for a new watch. My criteria are:
  • Has to have Analogue Hands
  • Has to have Digital Alarm/Stopwatch/Timer
  • Has to be Stainless Steel
  • Has to be Waterproof to allow sea swimming. Not diving but maybe up to 10ft down
  • Cost up to £250
I used to have a basic Timex Expedition watch which I loved until I lost it. I like the features listed above due to lots of camping and outdoor activities. My eyes aren't great for reading things without glasses but I can read hands on a watch fine. Need a timer for cooking things when in a tent etc. Need a decent metal body for rugged mountain walking/climbing over rocks etc.

Can't find anthing that is simple, practical and doesn't look like it's designed by a 10 year old boy.
Not fussed about brands but at that lowish price I'm not precious about it as long as it lasts 5 years or more.

Any ideas?

Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
