New things that you have discovered in your area whilst cycling

So I guess I had around an 8 year break from cycling regularly and during that time I either took public transport or walked everywhere, which was great until our buses became less frequent and breathing in car fumes made me sick. So I mostly did not explore my local area much at all.
Now I’m back on my bike and the air quality seems a bit better I’ve been able to explore more, the area seems to have changed loads. I’m on the edge of the city and we now seem to have loads of trendy cafes etc that I’ve only seen the likes of in central london etc.
I’m guessing this may be a result of working from home etc and a shift to people actually wanting to live in suburbia etc
I’ve also discovered some great parks that have been much improved, lots of interiors shops, locally sourced produce shops etc.
It’s been quite the revelation 😃


  • Tashman
    Tashman Posts: 3,479
    New microbreweries around my area are always a bit of a joy to find. A quick google shows I have 15 within an easy ride and many off down new lanes
  • photonic69
    photonic69 Posts: 2,666
    The depth and severity of the potholes?

    Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.

  • New to me , the Spitfire in the garden of a bungalow in a cul-de-sac in Moffat, spotted whilst on a bike ride
  • Wow that is quite the discovery 😃
  • Munsford0
    Munsford0 Posts: 668
    I once encountered a bloke crossing the road looking like he was having trouble with a large brown umbrella. As I got closer I realised he had a massive eagle flapping away on his arm. Stopped to ask about it; golden eagle apparently. Taking it over to the field for its morning flight.

    They are enormous when you get up close to one. Never has lycra felt so flimsy!
  • shirley_basso
    shirley_basso Posts: 6,195
    Family of ducks with a row of chicks crossing was quite cool.

    In the new forest I've seen pigs (on pannage) which is also fun.

    I've definitely explored more than my family who only go places by car as I'm always hunting for quiet roads.

    The downside is I am usually in a rush so don't get to stop at the nice looking pubs i see.
  • Munsford0 said:

    I once encountered a bloke crossing the road looking like he was having trouble with a large brown umbrella. As I got closer I realised he had a massive eagle flapping away on his arm. Stopped to ask about it; golden eagle apparently. Taking it over to the field for its morning flight.

    They are enormous when you get up close to one. Never has lycra felt so flimsy!

    Once I was cycling through a South London park and came across a Rasta carrying a Harris Hawk, I stopped and we had a long chat. Apparently they are used to scare other birds from airport runways and that was his job. It was so fascinating.