Hydraulic piston brakes do not open open properly - always breaking

pep.fermi Posts: 391
Hydr. disc works well for a while, but eventually they do not open up properly, so the pistons remain in slightly close position until I force them open "by hand", (I mean wit the ParkTool tool).

My guess is this is a common issue, linked to the piston (not the pads), a little dirty so they don't move as free as they should.

Any comment?


  • hdow
    hdow Posts: 186
    If the pistons are dirty try giving them a good clean. With the wheel off clean the pads and surrounding area. Clean with some of the hydraulic fluid (not cheap) used in the braking system applied using cotton buds. apply the brakes so that more of the pistons stick out a bit. Reclean, push pistons back in and repeat until they move in fairly easily. Best not push the pistons too far out. Works for me most of the time