New bike mechanical disc brake pads not releasing

benws1 Posts: 415

I have a new bike which has some Clarks mechanical disc brakes on. When I pull the front brake leaver hard and let go, the pads fail to release and jam the wheel. They don't go back into the caliper.

I have tried increasing the brake tension and have undone and retightened the cable on the rotor arm. If you tap the rotor arm with a finger, it releases.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to fix this? Can't go back to shop because I got it off a family member who purchased it from a shop a hundred miles away.



  • joeyhalloran
    joeyhalloran Posts: 1,080
    The pad holder is normally what provides the force to push the pads back. Check that. And as they're cable brakes make sure none of the housing is getting stuck on anything, when pulling hard it's possible the cable is distorting the outer and it gets stuck where it enters the caliper.

    Does it happen if you only brake gently?
  • benws1
    benws1 Posts: 415

    The pad holder is normally what provides the force to push the pads back. Check that. And as they're cable brakes make sure none of the housing is getting stuck on anything, when pulling hard it's possible the cable is distorting the outer and it gets stuck where it enters the caliper.

    Does it happen if you only brake gently?


    It only happens when braking hard. When braking gently, it doesn't happen.

    I will check the outer when pulling the lever hard. Not sure what to check on the pad holder. Maybe it needs a cleanup with alcohol or something.