Bike Helmet Fit...upgrading from the Specialized Prevail to Prevail III

My head measures approx 60cm but I have been using the old Specialized Prevail in a medium (55-59cm) for about 7 years now which fits fine and is very comfortable. I need to replace it because as far as I'm aware helmets should be replaced every 5 years even if they haven't been involved in a crash.

I picked up a Prevail 3 in both medium and large. The medium is noticeably smaller than the original, but it's almost like it fits as soon as it's on and only needs a 2-3 clicks on the dial at the back to feel secure, and I can't decide if that means it's actually too small?...

My old Prevail needs 10-12 clicks on the dial and the Specialized site advises going for a helmet where your head size is closer to the middle of the size range rather than the extreme. The large prevail is definitely too big though, even if it is supposed to be for 58-62cm.

Am I just unlucky and neither helmet really works? Anyone else made the same helmet change?


  • froze
    froze Posts: 213
    If you ever decide to wear a head covering under your helmet to keep your head a tad warmer in cold weather the medium size helmet won't allow it.