Bryton 420 alternatives

Delved into a Bryton 420 GPS unit, as opposed to using strava on iphone, as phone was getting soaked/falling out..etc
and the Bryton seems to under log mileage and time, it seems to lose 0.1 of a mile every 5 miles, and the times/altitude are way out compared to iphone/strava.
I would trust the iphone to have a more precise GPS module in it, so i guess that is the correct one of the 2
and i have checked my route on goole maps and it matches mileage exactly to using iphone/strava.
Before i retire the Bryton to my MTB or winter bike, i was after any advice on a more precise GPS unit,
i was looking at are either wahoo roam/bolt or edge 530 but was wary incase i would get the same type of results.
i have tried different satellites (Gallilo, Glonass) within the bryton unit and its all the same, and my routes are A roads outside of tall building areas so i should get a good signal.
As i mentioned last year my phone got ruined acting as a GPS device thats why i went down this route
so really after some advice on a seemingly accurate GPS unit


  • me-109
    me-109 Posts: 1,915
    Strava has a compensation function for distance and elevation so I wouldn't worry too much. You've only got the phone as a reference device so you can't be certain which is the more accurate. I think you'll always get tracking and reporting differences even in the same type of device due to unit accuracy variations.
  • N0bodyOfTheGoat
    N0bodyOfTheGoat Posts: 6,033
    As above, on website Strava click "..." on left of ride screen to click correct distance and/or elevation.

    Currently, I'm very torn as to what GPS to buy, having misplaced my Lezyne Mega XL last year and my older Enhanced Super GPS is now losing its rubber over the four function buttons.

    It's even more of a dilemma, given my now extremely limited daily exercise allowance of 30mins per day with one day a week of 45mins max, having had my first long covid clinic phone meeting.

    Part of me is really tempted by promo price of £235, because of the "Climber" feature.

    Part of me is tempted by iGPSport i630 which has literally this morning dropped to £170, because it has its own version of the "Climber" feature.

    Alternatively, I'm thinking of paying £90 for iGPSport BSC200 ; £130 for BSC300 ; ~£115 with my discount for Lezyne Super Pro ; a Coospo such as or even a £40 just to tide me over.

    Under normal circimstances, we're buying a GPS computer that will be used for the next ~5+ years.
    2020 Voodoo Marasa
    2017 Cube Attain GTC Pro Disc 2016
    2016 Voodoo Wazoo
  • kageds
    kageds Posts: 36
    Cheers All for the replies,
    i have fiddled with the correction tools in Strava, but they don't, especially the "correct distance" match to what it should be according to if i had done that journey using iphone/strava.
    I dont know.... maybe it sees the GPX file produced by Bryton and thinks i have cut corners (over the top of roundabouts) ?
    i guess they cant use google maps to correct as MTB trails and they like, are all off road so it must use its own algorithms.
    To be honest when i zoom in and view the route trail lines they are very similar and don,t show any really bad deviations.
    This is only a problem for me when i try and do a a particular loop and improve my time on it that's all, as for a GPS unit i don,t use the guidance features at all, purely heart rate monitor, avg speed, distance, ..oh and power data maybe incase i do go down that route
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    edited June 2023
    Before you change make sure you have auto pause turned off. I had similar issue a few years ago with my wahoo bolt and it turned out to be that - so if your bryton has that option disable it and see if it makes a difference