Travelling with gels?

I'm headed to Adelaide in a few days for the TDU and a further month travelling around Oz. Is it OK to pack my own caffeine and energy gels in my packed and checked luggage, or should I buy them localy to avoid awkward questions about the unknown "liquids" in my bags at Customs?
Never had a problem packing them in my bike bag in Europe but don't really want any unneccessary hassle.



  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    I would check whether they are restricted food stuff under Australia customs. They are pretty tight on what they allow in.
  • webboo said:

    I would check whether they are restricted food stuff under Australia customs. They are pretty tight on what they allow in.

    Yeah, thinking about it, probably safer to just buy them when I get there. Illicit foodstuff does carry quite a high penalty. Probs best not to risk it...

    Plenty of bike shops in Adelaide, and during TDU I might even blag some freebies?
  • Dorset_Boy
    Dorset_Boy Posts: 7,727
    Agree with above, unless you know for certain, then not worth the risk.
    They tend to be less concerned by packed sealed stuff like gels, than more natural, fresh, or unpackaged things that might house creepie crawlies or bugs and the like.
    No fresh produce can be taken into WA for example.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    edited January 2023
    The irony is with a lot of their own produce like diary, they sterilise the hell out of it. Many years on a climbing trip round Europe with a couple of Australian mates who raved about the cheese everywhere we went. I asked what sort of cheese do you have at home “ Yellow or White” was the reply.
  • gethinceri
    gethinceri Posts: 1,738
    Well that just gives a reflection on them... there are dozens of cheeses available in Australia.
  • Munsford0
    Munsford0 Posts: 691
    Our eldest son visited my sister in law in NZ. When he left to fly to Oz she hid a potato in his rucksack. Bantz she thought.

    He had a very difficult time explaining the joke potato to the customs bods....