Adjusting Giant D fuse seat post

mark8191 Posts: 77
edited November 2022 in Road general
Does anyone know the correct way to loosen the clamp that holds the giant D fuse seat post in place?

When I got the bike the mechanics in the shop said you need to rock/ twist the seat post left and right. This works and I've heard other people say that what they do but it makes a loud cracking sound and it makes me feel uneasy because it's a carbon frame. I've seen people in forums say they loosen the bolt of the clamp and give it a light tap with a mallet or strike the back of the saddle with an open palm to loosen loosen the clamp.

Whatever the correct technique the design seems to require some persuasion as loosening the bolt and wiggling the post free with one hand doesn't work with this design, even when the bike was brand new. Interested to hear what other Giant owners do to loosen their seat post clamp.



  • I just loosen the bolt and slight pressure on the saddle moves the post, but I don't have a carbon frame.
  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065
    You’re absolutely right it does make a cracking noise when you rock it but IME there’s no way round this. I loosen the bolt & then as gently as I can rock it forward & back until it moves.

    I love my TCR but the seatpost wedge is a really poor design. The bolt in the wedge is made of cheese & can be easily rounded out if you’re not careful.

    I don’t touch it unless I really have to & have a spare wedge just in case.
  • Same experience for me… loosening the bolt still leaves the seat post very firmly stuck.

    It takes a few wiggles before finally there is a loud crack as something lets go. The seat post is then freely adjustable.

    Unnerving, but also oddly satisfying once you’ve done it a few times.