friday with extra pineapple on top


not raining, but much nippier

ride, cafes, wfh, bubbly
my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny


  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,083
    Slow start after almost a lie in 😎

    Work snizzle with too many meeting for a Friday. Later is over to some friends for ale - should be fun
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,090
    Morning Chooktas

    Bright start.

    Porker tinkering phase 283 part 2, plan C will re-commence in the AM after usual run around.

    Sublime pedal yesterday. Hardly a breath of air, sun (10 deg c), legs felt good. Just one of those days.

    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,618
    oxoman said:

    The scroat made a mistake in using a bank account that was traceable and is from wombledon somewhere.

    I've heard that's a really dodgy area, bit like Alsager.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,618
    Morning folks, hopefully quietish day caving. Must get stuck into coffee in a minute. Might grab a haircut later as feeling a bit hippyish but right on cue it's turned cold.
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,083
    Stevo_666 said:

    oxoman said:

    The scroat made a mistake in using a bank account that was traceable and is from wombledon somewhere.

    I've heard that's a really dodgy area, bit like Alsager.
    Alsager isn’t that bad
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,090
    Talking of scroats - took Tricky to an evening activity yesterday. The venue is in the middle of a park and there were teenagers giving adults (taking their children in - mainly female) serious verbal abuse.
    When I arrived for collection, 2 boys approached me and I went towards them - they weren't expecting that. 1 was carrying a chip supper. I grabbed the chip supper and flung it.
    I thought, given his proximity, he would take a swing and was hoping he would but he was too chicken. I would have hurled him to the floor (can't hit him). So they left when they knew I wasn't for budging, mouthing off at me as they went.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,618
    pinno said:

    Talking of scroats - took Tricky to an evening activity yesterday. The venue is in the middle of a park and there were teenagers giving adults (taking their children in - mainly female) serious verbal abuse.
    When I arrived for collection, 2 boys approached me and I went towards them - they weren't expecting that. 1 was carrying a chip supper. I grabbed the chip supper and flung it.
    I thought, given his proximity, he would take a swing and was hoping he would but he was too chicken. I would have hurled him to the floor (can't hit him). So they left when they knew I wasn't for budging, mouthing off at me as they went.

    The Pinnonator is back :)
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • beansnikpoh
    beansnikpoh Posts: 1,533
    oxoman said:

    pinno said:

    Talking of scroats - took Tricky to an evening activity yesterday. The venue is in the middle of a park and there were teenagers giving adults (taking their children in - mainly female) serious verbal abuse.
    When I arrived for collection, 2 boys approached me and I went towards them - they weren't expecting that. 1 was carrying a chip supper. I grabbed the chip supper and flung it.
    I thought, given his proximity, he would take a swing and was hoping he would but he was too chicken. I would have hurled him to the floor (can't hit him). So they left when they knew I wasn't for budging, mouthing off at me as they went.

    Sad sign of the times, little scroats haven't respect for their elders let alone authority. Bring back stricter discipline in schools and at home when it's required. I find a shoulder or sly tap on the ankle works.
    Yes, physically assaulting children is a well-adjusted thing to do.

    See if you can guess how old this quote is.

    "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly disrespectful and impatient of restraint"
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217

    Decent sleep last night funnily enough, woke up on time but spent about 30 mins deciding whether to go to the office or not.
    Decided on WFW but that now seems to be the wrong choice.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,201
    ^ Oliver Cromwell, 1656?

    An early knock on the door while I was still a-bed with #1 100% pure Colombian, 'twas roofer chap #2, finally round to check it out and come up with estimates for roof retiling etc. Upset my morning routine, brain and body combo still askew.

    Did mean a venture outdoors while ground frost #1 of year still present, pretty to behold if one is not heading off anywhere.
  • seanoconn
    seanoconn Posts: 11,625
    Forgot my phone this morning. Was missing it so took a half day. Reunited now💕

    I’m with beans on this one. Plenty of ways to discipline children without teaching them how to be aggressive and violent. Boundaries, consistency, talk to them, take their Sh!t away.
    Pinno, מלך אידיוט וחרא מכונאי
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 60,618

    oxoman said:

    pinno said:

    Talking of scroats - took Tricky to an evening activity yesterday. The venue is in the middle of a park and there were teenagers giving adults (taking their children in - mainly female) serious verbal abuse.
    When I arrived for collection, 2 boys approached me and I went towards them - they weren't expecting that. 1 was carrying a chip supper. I grabbed the chip supper and flung it.
    I thought, given his proximity, he would take a swing and was hoping he would but he was too chicken. I would have hurled him to the floor (can't hit him). So they left when they knew I wasn't for budging, mouthing off at me as they went.

    Sad sign of the times, little scroats haven't respect for their elders let alone authority. Bring back stricter discipline in schools and at home when it's required. I find a shoulder or sly tap on the ankle works.
    Yes, physically assaulting children is a well-adjusted thing to do.

    See if you can guess how old this quote is.

    "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly disrespectful and impatient of restraint"
    Sounds like Oxo from November 2022 to me...
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • Nice(r) day today. Drove out to visit mechanic and discuss next works on car to fix suspension noise. Coffee out in sunshine on the way there was a nice bonus too.

    Stopped off for masseur appointment on way home.

    Might sift through motorcycling kit and see what's worth trying to sell off. Can't imagine I'll get another one any time soon so may as well flog off the gear if I can. I quite manfully resisted buying another one locally the other day, was exactly the one I'd want, low miles, perfect nick... managed to ignore the ad long enough for it to sell anyway. Whew. But means I have full set of leathers, summer jacket, rain suit, Gore Tex boots and gloves, helmets, all sitting there unused now...

    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,217
    WFH now.
    It's only going to take another 2 hours to get back into the mood for work :neutral:
  • beansnikpoh
    beansnikpoh Posts: 1,533
    Completed. Hurrah. Off down with 2 cars full tomorrow.

    Quote was Hesiod, 800 years before Christ. Older people have been complaining about younger people forever. To me that says it's a older people problem, not a younger people problem. ;)
  • beansnikpoh
    beansnikpoh Posts: 1,533
    oxoman said:

    Long time ago then, Beany.

  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,129
    universe c. 13.8 gigayears, hesiod was only a smidge ago, plato considered him a fibber

    tbh i don't think today's societal scum are much different to the ones of my youth
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • beansnikpoh
    beansnikpoh Posts: 1,533
    sungod said:

    universe c. 13.8 gigayears, hesiod was only a smidge ago, plato considered him a fibber

    tbh i don't think today's societal scum are much different to the ones of my youth

    I bet you the monocellular life of 3b years ago were moaning about the lack of respect from the yute.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,201
    Oi infidels, Earth was created in 4004BC innit. Trumpieboi told me so in a dream. The reptilian overlords will eat you, so there.

    Enjoy interacting with the locals Mr 2nd home owner Beans, they like your sort 😉

    Meanwhile in the Homeland, all calm and still, the moon is out and the stove is fired up and pumpin'. Happy Friday y'all.
  • beansnikpoh
    beansnikpoh Posts: 1,533
    orraloon said:

    Enjoy interacting with the locals Mr 2nd home owner Beans, they like your sort 😉

    Wot's my sort? City tw@t?

    We'll (she'll) be down a lot. We're friends with the people next door. The village is a lot of incomer retirees. They'll hate us anyway. Lovely biking and walking though, so looking forward to that! Preferential rates for bbers. :smile:
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,693
    Evening folks,
    Had to go into the orifice today, not right on a Friday. Spent the morning battling computer nonsense then went to the cafe for lunch. Went out to see one of our larger suppliers this afternoon good to get away for a bit. Got back just in time to get on my bike and join the EPO in a local hostelry.
    The problem with the yoof of today is that some of them are tw@s, same can be said of drivers, cyclists, train spotters and any number of other groups.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,090
    There's mouthy and boisterous and then there is aggression with intent.
    Some women were called effing b1tches and cnuts and being taunted whilst accompanying their children to an event frequented by parents with children who have learning difficulties.
    2 Protagonists were calling one of the children a 'spastic mongue' and one of them said to me "What you looking at you effing baldy cnut?" When I stopped to stare at one of them, they both approached me in an antagonistic manner.
    I do not advocate violence and I do not expect respect from youths but I certainly will not accept aggressive behaviour directed towards anyone and I do not think that some clever descaling of the situation with soft words would have had any effect.
    At school in Jockland and as an outsider, I was the recipient of a hell of a lot of abuse and behaviour that would be deemed racist if I was black: ni66er lips, ni66er nostrils and why wasn't I black and 'why don't you go back to effing Africa?'.
    Suffice to say, I had to learn how to fight and stand my ground and not be bullied. You were stuffed if you 'cliped' (told on them) as you would be a chicken or a snitch and the only resolution was often to fight.
    I got a part time job at a farm just before turning 15. It was hard work and it toughened me up fast. 6 months later, I got into a fight with one of the biggest bullies who was slapping and kicking me for no apparent reason other than I was smaller and an easy target. Without reply, I hit him on the bridge of his nose - according to my mate, 17 times splatting his nose across his face.
    I learnt what was bullsh1t and bravado and I also learnt what was genuine intent to cause harm or at least, I could differentiate between those who would back down and those who wouldn't.
    There have been incidents of stabbings by youths in this region and I really don't know what rose coloured tinted glasses some people wear when they think that a 'talk' would solve the situation. These youths are a step above what I dealt with in terms of violence and aggression but I know that if you do not play the victim in any shape or form, chances are they will back down.
    They approached me and I was not going to plead, negotiate or run. I also knew that if someone didn't put a lid on it, things could have escalated. If I had been on my own, I would have carried on walking to whatever abuse they shouted but there were parents with vulnerable kids running a hostile, spontaneous gauntlet.
    I was reminded by one of the parents that one of them was the lad who got hauled by 4 policeman this summer into a squad car. This I witnessed in amazement at how the police man handled him. They were not mucking around. Those lads last night are of a group of individuals who wouldn't respond to some sort of soft negotiation.

    The upshot is that the police were informed by numerous party's and hopefully, the police will make their presence felt at these meetings until such time as they don't bother turning up. We will also escort en masse so that our children are safe.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • beansnikpoh
    beansnikpoh Posts: 1,533
    I wasn't denying your sh1tty experience Pinno.

    I was disagreeing with Oxo's opinion that it would be fixed by 'disciplining' or 'beating' children at school and at home, and that sh1tty and violent young men are somehow a new phenomenon.

    I expect these kids are all too familiar with 'discipline' at home. Violent and damaged people have always been with us. I'm glad you dealt with the sh1t situation you ended up in through no fault of your own, and that you weren't hurt.
  • pinno
    pinno Posts: 52,090

    I wasn't denying your sh1tty experience Pinno.

    I didn't think you were. I was simply adding clarity to the situation and my experiences of this sort of aggression and behaviour.

    And I agree, those boys come form seriously broken families who have had little in the way of moral yardsticks. It's sad really.
    My reaction last night was that of a protector, not disciplinarian.
    seanoconn - gruagach craic!
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,693
    pinno said:

    I wasn't denying your sh1tty experience Pinno.

    I didn't think you were. I was simply adding clarity to the situation and my experiences of this sort of aggression and behaviour.

    And I agree, those boys come form seriously broken families who have had little in the way of moral yardsticks. It's sad really.
    My reaction last night was that of a protector, not disciplinarian.
    You were right to stand up to them, didn't mean to imply otherwise. I get irritated by people that read something like that then generalise about all yoof.