Front Chainset wear

Hello there

The next time I change my chain and cassette is it worth changing the chainset too, never been changed from new (2014) I’ve had a few chain and cassette changes since new.



  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    They still look ok to me from the picture. Are you getting any skipping, noise etc?
  • No skipping gears or noise etc, just wanted a second opinion, was only asking for advice as the top two are different from the bottom, as you can tell I never use the bottom
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    The middle and outer are shaped like that from new to make shifting easier, there's little advantage to any shaping for the teeth on the inner ring so they tend to be simpler, the difference doesn't mean the outer 2 are worn out.
  • masjer
    masjer Posts: 2,812
    Rather than replace the whole chainset, you could just replace the chainring(s) if they are worn.
  • Thanks for the advice everyone, think I’m going to keep it as it is for now then just check again when the chain needs changing