Cannondale Synapse Ultegra disc 2020 - just bought it :-)

Last minute decision I didn't buy a new Synapse but a used one, ca 2600eur instead of 3000eur (catalogue price is 3600). Synapse Ultegra should be a safe bet for me, have had my current one since 2007 (or was it 2006?, can't remember) and always loved it. Just I wanted to move to disc brakes since I'm the worstest descender ever, I tried disc brakes and I do slightly better with them (I'm still the worstest tough).

I should have it in about a week. So excited.


  • MattFalle
    MattFalle Posts: 11,644
    Sweeet - enjoy lots!
    The camera down the willy isn't anything like as bad as it sounds.
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    That looks nice and tidy. I want a new bike now.
  • hpaul
    hpaul Posts: 114
    I wouldn't mind a new bike myself. I'm waiting to this disc crap blows over though
  • homers_double
    homers_double Posts: 8,428
    Here to stay I'm afraid, you'll be dead before discs are.
    Advocate of disc brakes.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,382
    I've resurrected my 2017 Synapse 105 these past couple of weeks after pretty much 2 years of almost 100% gravelling and I'm enjoying getting back into the Synapse road mode. Will mix 'n' match more in my new world.