How do you identify tubeless rims without specs?

santahul Posts: 91
I have some Cannondale C Zero road wheels but I'm struggling to figure out if they can take tubeless tyres. I've read online that the lip inside the rim will be bigger and it does feel bigger but I'm not that confident. Does anybody know any other ways?


  • i.bhamra
    i.bhamra Posts: 304
    I don' t think it's easy to tell, is there a serial number or similar anywhere that you can use to help pin the model down and get specs? As well as a bigger lip on the rim there is also usually a sort of "shelf" on the rim profile that helps lock the tyre bead under the lip - but some non-tubeless clincher rims also have this so doesn't help with an obvious answer.
  • veronese68
    veronese68 Posts: 27,947
    This image shows the difference quite well.

    Where it shows the rim bead lock this is a bump on the inside of the rim, it's what the tyre pops over when inflated up to pressure. That bump is to stop the tyre moving into the middle of the rim and coming off if it loses pressure.
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