Any bike fitters on here? Cleat position advice needed.

Hi All,
I've bought a new pair of road shoes, Boardman carbon shoes, and having checked on the net about cleat position and fitting the new position of the shoe cleats is at the opposite end to my old shoes and cleats.
I've checked a video by Neill Stanbury in OZ having watched a number of videos of his Bike fitting advice and he seems very knowledgably on the subject.

Now having found my big toe metatarsal joint (M J), marked the position on the new shoes, measured the backward position and tightened the cleats I was expecting them to mirror the old shoe cleat position.
The cleats are way out compared to the old cleat position, Left is a good 10mm further forward on the New shoes. The right is 10mm further back.
The old cleats are right shoe about 5mm further forward than the left.

The issue is,
1} Do I stick with the measured New MJ position?
2} Put the cleats in the same position as the old shoes which I didn't have any discomfort with?
3} Or go with the New position and adjust if they cause issues/discomfort?

My left foot is slightly bigger but not by 10mm.

The backward position of the cleats on the new shoes is only 5mm and advice seems to be between 12 and 20mm backward set?
Very Confused at the moment.
The original old cleats were fitted during a bike fit 5 years ago and I do have 1 leg slihtly longer knee to foot than the other, just to confuse things more....
Any bike fitters out there who can offer advice please.




  • photonic69
    photonic69 Posts: 3,018
    edited February 2022
    Not a bike-fitter but have extensively read the Bike Fit book by Phil Burt who worked for British Cycling. Very good read.

    If you have two different values for you MJ position I suggest that you have identfied them incorrectly. Unless you are very lopsided then they should be the same. Easy to check - stand with back to wall and heels tight against skirtingboard and feet close together. Is your MJ on both feet in the same position? It probably is. Go back and re-measure your shoes.

    Edit: I would try and get your cleat position on the new shoes/cleats as close to the position they were with the old set-up as long as this was not causing you problems. If it ain't broke don't try and fix it etc.

    Edit 2: I'm on so many f'ing drugs and so full of COVID at the moment then take what I say with a pinch of opium. Currently can't tell the difference between my ar$e and the back of my knees.

    Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.

  • tonysj
    tonysj Posts: 391
    Thanks photonic69.
    I've checked the position of both feets MJ and they are 10mm out,,left foot longer than right so I'm fairly confident they are positioned correctly for each foot.
    I've just done a turbo workout.
    3 x 12mins at 239w/91%FTP and 3 mins rest at 197w/75%FTP and the only thing I noticed was my inner calf muscle felt "strained" during the 12minute/239watt interval. I'm not sure if that's just the New shoes or cleat position. I tend not to ride toe down or heel down and am neutral if there is such a thing lol.
  • amrushton
    amrushton Posts: 1,313
    Have a look on youtube at Bikefit James and Phil Burt
  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065
    amrushton said:

    Have a look on youtube at Bikefit James and Phil Burt

    In essence BikeFitJames will advise you push them as far back as you can.

    Make of that what you will.

    FWIW I have mine within a mm or two of this & never had a problem but YMMV obviously.