There is a light that never goes out

Forgive me holy bikeradar father. It's been a week since my last confession and I've been a very bad boy. Since joining your cult of numb nether regions, I have found that my libido is out of control. So much so that the missus has resorted to beating me off (Noooo, Noooo.... Not THAT kind) with a broom and I'm having unpure thoughts about the Lesbian couple next door. Am I hellbound?

Am achieving my goal of breaking the hour for forty km,s on the static. Best time is 58.43. Just can't seem to do it on the road. Best is still around 64.

Met up with another rider the other day. He was an orthopaedic surgeon who had ELECTRONIC GEAR SHIFTING on his bike!!! What the actual fek. What's next, a fully automatic transmission? If so, I'd recommend the pdk system out of a Porsche turbo S.

He let me have a ride on his bike, and wow, just wow. Like stepping out of a Morris Marina into the aforementioned Porsche Turbo S.

Not doing alternate road, static days. Am doing one in the morning and one in the evening. Talking to the boy in the UK tonight (he's playing club rugby for one of the London teams) and he said that they don't train that much and suggested I was cruising for a heart attack.

To be honest, I do feel a little 'flat' recently. What do you think Holy Father? Should I tone things down a little or continue down the 'what doesn't kill you track' ???


  • imposter2.0
    imposter2.0 Posts: 12,028
    Have you ever considered doing a podcast, or a blog..?
  • Hell no. I'd scare old ladies and the infirm. Actually, they could be profitable demographics.
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,197
    Ooh I say, the Phantom Flaggers are back. Have you been offended? Then you may be due Com-Pen-Say-Shun. Call ScamLawyers4U on 09000....
  • froze
    froze Posts: 213
    Don't worry, the automatic CVT transmission is coming to bikes soon. This stuff is all about timing, when sales start to slack off they come up with something new, get marketing to push it, and push it hard by making up stories that it's better than anything before it, pro racers will be forced to use it, because of marketing forces dictate that whichever bike wins on Sunday is sold on Monday, so new tech is put on a race bike, that bike wins, and everyone has to get it.

    They're also coming out with anti-skid brakes like we need that on a bike.

    But this sort of new technology is released in stages to stimulate sales.
  • Defblade
    Defblade Posts: 142
    Auto box already here:
  • froze
    froze Posts: 213
    That auto box thing I can't access it, but right now they're too heavy for prime time.