Hybrid bike for road & paths

tank121 Posts: 201
edited August 2021 in Road beginners
I currently own a Norco mountain bile and I'm looking for something lighter and quicker for building up my fitness, whilst maintaining the upright position.

I've narrowed it down to two.
The Trek I can get on the Ride to Work scheme via Evans Cycles & the Baordman I can get 10% discount on but must pay in full.
Would be £500

Would cost £527

Your thoughts please.



  • PMark
    PMark Posts: 160
    edited August 2021
    It looks like that boardman is designed more as a commuting/city bike. It should be less maintenance as it has hub gears, but it only has 3 of them, so may not be the best if you have a lot of hills near you. If they do a version of that bike with more gears, I would go for the boardman, otherwise the Trek would probably be best.

    Edit: Although it should be noted that neither are that light, the boardman is 11kg and the trek is almost 12kg. Your mountain bike probably isn't a lot heaver than that. You might be better just getting some lighter wheels for your mountain bike and slick tyres.