Voodoo Hoodoo 26" wheels, tyres and axles. required

My son got both his wheels stolen of his Voodoo. Seems a shame to kill the bike off if i could get the above for something reasonable and available but don't really know where to go for this. Can anyone point me in right direction?


  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,453
    I have two Maxxis Medusa 26 x 2.1" tyres. You can have them free if you pay for the 2nd class postage.

    They are designated as XC mud tyres. They have lots of tread left on them. They have the word LUST in big letters on the sidewall, it stands for Lightweight Ultimate Sidewall Technology. Maxxis were very proud of it, hence the big letters). It was Maxxis's response to Mavic's UST (Universale System Tubeless).
  • thats very kind. let me see if i can source the wheels and i'll ping you back ok?