Rear derailleur


Bit of a noob issue.... My gears haven't been shifting perfectly since i bought my new bike so i decided to try to resolve it today. I started by trying to adjust the top allignment as it was struggling to get in top gear. I couldnt seem to make an adjustment that worked.
So after some more tinkering with top and bottom adjustment i decided it could be the cable tension so i undid the tension bolt.
Now when i have pulled the cable taught and alligned the top gear when i shift down i cant get anywhere near the bottom gear.

Can someone provide me a step by step on what i should do starting with setting the cable tension and then the top and bottom limits (if that is the correct order)?

Thanks in advance.


  • mully79
    mully79 Posts: 904
    Click the shifter down to what would be the smallest sprocket. Wind in any adjuster barrels. Release the cable. Adjust the lower limit screw so that the derraileur lines up with the smallest sprocket.
    Pull the cable taught and tighten the bolt to fix it. Click the shifter up one position. Turn the pedals and wind out the adjuster barrel until the chain swaps nicely to the second sprocket.
    Now click up through the gears while pedaling. Once you hit the biggest sprocket adjust the upper limit screw so that the derraileur cant overshift.
    You shouldnt be too far away.
  • lincolndave
    lincolndave Posts: 9,441
    If you haven’t all ready had a look, search YouTube, there’s plenty of information on there, and you can see what they are adjusting it might make the job easier for yourself
    Good luck
  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,460
    This video is by ParkTool. If you can't adjust your gears after this, then give up and take your bike to the LBS!
  • This video is by ParkTool. If you can't adjust your gears after this, then give up and take your bike to the LBS!

    That video is excellent! Thanks for the advice!