Glasses - Flak 2.0XL v Racing Jacket v Rudy Project Rydon

dynamokev Posts: 38
edited January 2021 in Road buying advice

Due to a big change in prescription I may need to ditch my current contact lens/prescription free transition glasses to a prescription pair of transitions.

Currently looking at the above so would be interested to hear any views on their pros/cons. I have a large head/face and a bit of googling seems to favour the rudy project for that (though haven't seen many comments on the racing jackets). Will probably get from extreme eyewear due to excellent reviews and they do a lens that can darken through a windscreen whilst driving - any thoughts on them also gratefully received!


  • rafletcher
    rafletcher Posts: 1,235
    edited January 2021
    Have you tried riding with no correction? The problem with prescription sunnies on a bike is that you inevitably end up peering through just the top of the lens, so really only single vision works (and if you’re like me the switch from contacts means varifocaks) and the edge vision is horribly distorted due to lens curvature. Have you considered multi-focal contacts or best of all mono-vision contacts?

    ETA, I couldn’t get on with mono-vision (a rare problem apparently) and multi-vocals don’t correct for astigmatism (no torics, at least from specsavers, but googling does show they exist - check with an independent contact lens specialist, I’m going to!) so, as I only need around a +2 I ride without correction and carry a pair of cheap “readers”.
  • Thanks - the new prescription isn't needing varifocals but do need separate pair for reading/screenwork. Likely to ditch contacts due to additional cost of a toric and the other eye may now need a lens (didn't before), plus the added bonus of blepharitis! Vision isn't horrific but too blurry to ride uncorrected I think (suspect it would lead to a lot of eye strain/headaches). Oakley designs don't seem to wrap as much so perhaps the better option?
  • rafletcher
    rafletcher Posts: 1,235
    Another option is get a simple pair of mid-distant contacts (I use daily disposables sometimes) and carry the easy readers for, well, reading. You’ll be able to make out the computer and road signs with the contacts, readers for map work. Really, anything is better than prescription cycling glasses, and they’re bloody expensive.
  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065
    edited January 2021
    I've been using the Rudy Project prescription inserts with a pair of Noyz glasses for 5 years with no issues.

    They do take a bit of getting used to as the inserts sit relatively close to your face (depending on where you have the glasses positioned on your nose of course) but once you overcome this you forget they are there.

    Depending on what you need / want the inserts start at £80 which when you consider I've had mine for 5+ years is cracking value.

    Got both the glasses & inserts from RxSport.
  • grenw
    grenw Posts: 804
    My missus just bought her second set of prescription Oakley transitions over the summer she loves them.

    First pair were Half Jackets, this second pair were the Flak 2.0 although not with the XL lens shape.

    Her first set lasted around 7-8 years. The lens cracked around the little tab that kept them in the frame - probably from the frame flexing when putting them on/off. They were still okay but it's not something you want dropping out at speed.
  • I've got Flak2's, had them for years and think they're great. Very comfortable, easy to change lenses (though this may not be relevant to you) and can change different coloured socks for £10 if you want to change the style.

  • hdow
    hdow Posts: 186
    Don't know if you've tried using just one contact lens for correction with plain eye wear. I need lenses for distance but not reading or computer work and find that the brain quickly learns to use the corrected eye for distance and the uncorrected one for map reading. I found this from orienteering where fine map reading and seeing what was out there was needed for running at speed on rough terrain. Works when cycling mountain walking and in triathlon. May not work for all though
  • bondurant
    bondurant Posts: 858
    I use transition lenses (not inserts), previously with Split Jackets and now with RP Rydons (from Extreme Eyewear as a matter of fact). Very happy with them and have perfect vision on the bike.
  • Had a chat with a very helpful guy at extreme eyewear and went for the Flaks, which ticked all the boxes and are a bit more versatile.