login fails

All of a sudden I am unable to get past the login page. I just get the black and white page with no details of past rides or my profile. I appear to be logged and have tried logging out and own again.

This only started couple of days ago. I have cleared cache removed cookies etc.

I am a at a loss.

Any thoughts.

Many thanks

Colnago Addict!


  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    Working OK for me.
    Are you using Chrome or a different browser?

    I have noticed something odd with my account though which I'm waiting to hear back from Zwift about.
  • mrdsgs
    mrdsgs Posts: 337
    safari or firefox with the same symptoms. i am also waiting to hear back from zwift!!!
    Colnago Addict!
  • rafletcher
    rafletcher Posts: 1,235
    Try changing your password?
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219
    Zwift got back to me pretty quickly about my problem and said there's a "display issue" with the website affecting me.
    They did say if I couldn't log in to get in touch with them so might be worth trying that.
  • mrdsgs
    mrdsgs Posts: 337
    i got it to work with chrome with existing password so will wait for them to get back to me first i think.

    thanks for the suggestion

    Colnago Addict!