Recommend Winter Tyres - Tubeless

Heading into my first winter as a road cyclist, what tyres are people recommending? Tubeless is the only requirement!


  • thecycleclinic
    thecycleclinic Posts: 397
    edited November 2020
  • lincolndave
    lincolndave Posts: 9,441
    X guards are the tyres for winter just as oxoman recommended
  • Pirelli Cinturato come highly recommended
  • I have been running 30mm Schwalbe G One Speed TLS tyres as an all year round/light gravel tyre for some time now, and they have behaved great for me.
    On road they roll very well, and offer decent puncture protection, whilst being supple and comfortable.
    I average about 1mph less than my 25mm summer tubeless tyres.