Gravel bike shoes question?

I’ve always used SPd’s on my road bikes but for a number of reasons I’ve decided to go with crank brothers flat pedals on my new gravel bike. After a lot of searching I found some casual looking Adidas MTb 5/10 shoes, (why do they nearly all look like student skateboarding trainers?) but although they stick really well they are very uncomfortable, I’ve done about 150 miles in them now and and comfort is not getting any better.

So I went out tonight wearing some Solaman trail shoes and these felt great the only problem being my feet slipped at times and when I checked the sole’s later I could see the pin marks have just started to slice through the rubber.
So with that in mind I’m not sure what to do next is there some better flat pinless pedals out there I could use with my trail shoes?


  • fenix
    fenix Posts: 5,437
    Just get cheap pedals without the pins ?
  • grenw
    grenw Posts: 804
    I'd try other mtb shoes first. I always got on well with 5:10s. They have stiffer soles that will be better for pedalling in.

    The Salomons will flex a lot more and will no doubt slip off pinless pedals. That's what I wore years ago when I first started mountain biking and they were never great for more than an hour or so riding.
  • The issue isn't the pedals or the pins, its uncomfy shoes. You just need to find some comfy flat pedal shoes.

    5-10s are my usual go-to but I've not bought a pair since the Adidas takeover and my feet aren't yours. RideConcepts are an alternative, Shimano make some with Michelin soles, but really its just about finding something comfortable.

  • Thanks for the advice! I’ve since learned that the Adidas 5/10 are not the same or as comfortable as the originals. I can’t afford to keep buying different shoes so will buy some cheap wellgo pedals for the Salomons see how I get on.