Cervelo s3 handlebars lowering

Hi everyone, can you help with removing spacers on a cervelo s3 I’ve removed the screw cap and inside where the intergrated cables are there is a bolt with an allen key head, I have removed this but the whole headset etc is stiff and does not come away so asking if I’m missing something before attempting again, thank you Lee


  • Any suggestions guys? plenty of views, surely someone must be able to help or is it not that type or forum? Thanks again.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    You could try googling removing spacers on a Cervélo s3. I did this and up came a link to the s3 Manuel.
  • Hi mate I’ve tried googling but nothing apart from the manual which I have and nothing on YouTube, I can dismantle it but it’s still very stiff to remove and didn’t want to cause any damage maybe I’ll give it another go at weekend, thanks for the suggestion though
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    If you google Cervélo s3 there is review by cycling weekly that talks of them being difficult to remove. As I haven’t got one it doesn’t mean much to me but it might make sense to you.
  • Thank you again that does help and explains that I can lower it without any cutting, think I just need to put some muscle into trying to pull it out, really appreciate your time trying to help thank you mate.
  • webboo
    webboo Posts: 6,087
    Happy to be of assistance.