Wahoo WiFi Woes...

Anyone else had issues with their Wahoo Elemnt (Bolt in my case), or more-to-the-point, the Companion app not recognizing WiFi networks? 

All was fine with my Bollt until last week when I think I recall a Firmware update message. Since then I noticed it hadn't been syncing the last free rides I did. I then noticed it was no longer connected to the WiFi, but if I go to the Settings tab in the Companion App, I see the WiFi menu, but no available networks.

I know all about the 2.4ghz thing (ie it wont recognise 5ghz networks), so it's not that. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app several times, as well as a Factory Reset on the device itself.

Wahoo support suggested I try to connect to a separate Hotspot which I did with no success. 
I've even tried installing the app on my wife's phone and the same story. 

Currently in talks with Wahoo to see wtf is the tale here, but just curious to see if any other users have had similar trouble? Dunno if it;s the app or the device.....but surely the app is independent to the device with regards to connecting to the WiFi. 


  • ibr17xvii
    ibr17xvii Posts: 1,065
    Mine has been a bit flaky in syncing between the device & the App a few times recently, it hangs when downloading the ride to the App but I've not had any issues with Wifi.
  • mr_mojo
    mr_mojo Posts: 200
    My Bolt has gone temperamental recently connecting to heart monitor strap and power meter pedals. It used to connect no problem but since firmware upgrade last week struggles now.
  • Wahoo seem quite attentive....until they got a dead end and are stumped themselves. Then it all goes very, very quiet.....
  • Well, just been reading some of the comments in the Play Store, and looks like there's plenty of others suffering the same fate. The new update has basically banjoed the Companion app. If you get an option to update, don't....or at least not if you're running it on Android.
  • redvision
    redvision Posts: 2,958
    Just to confuse matters, my bolt and the app (android) are on the latest firmware and everything is working perfectly.
  • redvision said:

    Just to confuse matters, my bolt and the app (android) are on the latest firmware and everything is working perfectly.

    that confuses matters somewhat....
  • wobblebob
    wobblebob Posts: 73
    redvision said:

    Just to confuse matters, my bolt and the app (android) are on the latest firmware and everything is working perfectly.

    Same here. Have done a couple of updates in the last week or so (30th June and 7th July according to https://support.wahoofitness.com/hc/en-us/articles/217285397-ELEMNT-Firmware-Updates) and no issues with either
  • Seems I'm not the only one, bit it's isloated to some users for some reason. Reply from Wahoo today:

    We have now received similar reports from a small number of users and have opened an internal ticket with our development team to investigate and resolve the problem

    Fingers crossed they release a fix soon I guess...
  • Seems they've sorted it updated ap' now