Freedom Ryder 21 rims max tyre size?

orraloon Posts: 13,342
Any pointers on what is the max width tyre sizes on these rims? There are manufacturer tables about e.g. Schwalbe, but guessing these will be conservative for 'elf 'n' safety, CYA reasons.

These rims are the std ones on my 2011 Kona Sutra tourer. 32s came with and been used 99.8% of time on tarmac. Did a little bit of gravel the other weekend and pretty sketchy on the downhills.

While I have an n+1 project underway on a new gravel bike, something lighter than the bombproof Sutra, given next to zero stocks this year might have to wait for the 2021 models to arrive to get The Right One.

The Sutra wheels are 36 spoke, sturdy as; got good frame clearances I think. So a stop gap option could be fit some bigger gravel tyres on the current rims.

So, any ideas on sensible range of sizes?



  • step83
    step83 Posts: 4,170
    35/37 should go one no trouble, beyond that it may get a little fun
  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,342
    Thanks Step.

    To answer my own question 😊 (always an idea to check what the rim label info says) can go to 37 approved. So could push it marginally wider 38 should be fine. Now to find any instock anywhere... strange days.