Play in SRAM Rear Mech



  • It happens both ways round but I don't have a bike clamp to test so easier upsides down.
  • It would appear I've found my problem.

    One of the sprockets, the 13t, is slightly machined wrong and has an extra bit bulge of metal sticking out the side of one of the teeth which hits the chain.

    Obviously I threw the receipt away so looks like another cassette unless I can find a single cog.
  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,449
    File the bump off.
  • I tried to file it off but didn't make any difference. I used an spare chain bits on the sprocket and found that most of the time the rollers would sit flat in the valley parts but in a particular place it was half a mm out causing the chain to compress and click.

    I got a new sprocket and all seems to be fine. Feeling the teeth there is one that is noticeably thinner than compared to same one on original so guess the chain had a hard time squeezing over it. Perhaps that's why the first chain parted out.