Kids Frog bike - chain coming off
My 5 year old's Frog bike keeps dropping its chain.
Its pretty dry, but looks quite baggy... not put the measuring tool on it yet but would guess it has stretched over the past 1.5 years.
What's the likely best course of action?
1. Replace chain?
2. Cassette as well?
3. Just give it some oil?
4. remove a link?
5. something else?
Its pretty dry, but looks quite baggy... not put the measuring tool on it yet but would guess it has stretched over the past 1.5 years.
What's the likely best course of action?
1. Replace chain?
2. Cassette as well?
3. Just give it some oil?
4. remove a link?
5. something else?
wrong forum - sorry. Feel free to delete. I'll repost in the family forum0
Chain and cassette.adam.j.crawford said:My 5 year old's Frog bike keeps dropping its chain.
Its pretty dry, but looks quite baggy... not put the measuring tool on it yet but would guess it has stretched over the past 1.5 years.
What's the likely best course of action?
1. Replace chain?
2. Cassette as well?
3. Just give it some oil?
4. remove a link?
5. something else?
I ride a bike. Doesn't make me green or a tree hugger. I drive a car too.0 -
Highly unlikely a 5 year old has done enough miles with enough torque to wear out a chain or cassette. Most likely a stiff rear derailleur pivot or a stiff link in the chain. 1 - 1 - Check chain and lube it.
2 - Check derailleur and lube the pivots.Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.
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I guess it's a single speed if it's for a 5 year old.
Just move the rear wheel back a bit to tighten the chain up, there's probably a chain tug on the drive side (there is on my daughters frog 48)0