Quarq Power Crank Fitting Issues

steve_kay Posts: 197
Evening all. I'm in the process of fitting a new Quarq powermeter crankset. I've fitted the same 2.5mm spacer and wave washer on the non-drive side (BB30) as my original crank. The large chainring is now rubbing on the front deralieur but the non drive side crank arm looks too close to the rear chainstay. Is it just a case of adjust the front mech?


  • i.bhamra
    i.bhamra Posts: 304
    Hard to tell from your pictures but if the nds arm clears the stay by a couple of mm it should be fine - different shaped crank arm might pass closer to the stay than original. The mech does need adjusting definitely the high limit screw needs adjusting at least - unless you are missing any drive side spacer. Any quarq documentation that mentions which if any spacers you should use (both drive and nds?) or mention of how much clearance there should be from crank-arm to stay?
  • step83
    step83 Posts: 4,170
    Just re adjust the mech, I know with my Dzero it had a 3mm offset compared to the 0 offset on the Rival crank it replaced. All normal