~83 Pashley royal mail P.O. Cycle restoration

Posts: 1

Hi everyone,
I just acquired an 83 Pashley Royal Mail bicycle (i am not sure of the year) and I am renovating it. I am still looking for some important parts I cannot find in France, where I live.
I don't really know the English Wide Web : good bike parts shops, bicycle forum, second hand websites... So I decided to try this forum !
The bike is now in pieces as I have to repaint it first (Red HAL3020 for the frame and white for the guards).
Could you help me finding :
A front carrier (this looks pretty hard...)
A front and rear lamp (more or less from the same period)
A rear reflektor (square or circle as mine is broken).
I might also need new stickers because they are a bit outdated... and a prettier saddle (I might find this in France though ^^)
Thank you so much!

You will probably be better off asking in here...