cassette advice gravel bike

mr_eddy Posts: 830
Hi All

I have a Merlin Malt G gravel bike currently setup with a SuperStar 40t narrow/wide chainring and the stock 11-32 cassette. I have swapped out the Tiagra mech to a Shimano gravel specific GRX400 allowing me to run 1x without fear of chain drops.

I am tempted to swap out the rear cassette for something with a lower gear, Officially the GRX400 supports up to 36t but I have lots of videos of people running 11-36 with 105/ultegra road mechs without issue (way beyond Shimano max)

My question is that given the GRX400 is a long cage mech do you think if I wind in the B screw I could get a 11-40 to work?

On a side note I note that my current 11-32 with 40t chainring has yet to be overwhelmed by any hills so wondering if in reality a 40t 1:1 gear (40/40t) makes that much more of a difference over a (40/32). Based on the gear inch calc a 40/32 is pretty much the same as a 34/28 .

Just wondering if I am better off saving the cash and accepting that on occasion I have to use the ultimate low gear (2 feet/walking)

Anyone out there running 40/32t on their gravel bike.


  • joe_totale-2
    joe_totale-2 Posts: 1,333
    I'd give it a go, Shimano are pretty conservative with their derailleur guidance. Also you're not exceeding the total capacity of the derailleur.

    In my personal experience a 1:1 lowest gear is great to have off road but not so necessary on the road, it depends where you're riding.
  • mrfpb
    mrfpb Posts: 4,569
    How gnarly are the hills you've climbed? I have a double Sora with 34/34 as the bottom gear on my gravel bike. I use 1:1 quite a bit on hills, but that's probably down to my age, and protests from my knees. I also use it through winter mud on the canals and trails. It's always easier to ride a low gear at walking pace than to push a bike up hill.