Damaged bike. Advices please.

Good morning you all!
My Norco Search A Tiagra 2019 rests in my garden shed for 3 months after a car accident. I've got myself a new bike and I'm not sure what to do with the old damaged one... I was thinking about replacing the damaged fork and the buckled front wheel and use it as a gravel bike for leisure. But no LBS around my area would give me a quote as some of them said the fork is not replaceable and others said that I need to bring it over so they can assess it (not an option as I literally didn't have time and money to carry it around the city). Now I'm thinking of selling it as it is - no hassle.
Any thoughts on what is the best option for my Norco?


  • mrfpb
    mrfpb Posts: 4,569
    I can't believe the fork is not replaceable. Check the original bike spec to see what size the steerer is then look for a replacement. You not likely to get a colour match, but you should be able to get something decent. The bike is too nice too give up on (in my opinion).
  • Forks not replaceable? Who said that? Find a decent bike shop, or even one of the mobile mechanics springing up all over the place.

    Might not be the same forks but that's not necessarily a problem.
  • david37
    david37 Posts: 1,313
    Just get some new forks #sorted.

    the problem with most bike shops is theyre staffed by millenials with no knowledge. A Cytech badge doesnt count.