Converting triple to 1x

Hi All
I’m rebuilding an old GT for my son (will add build pics to another thread later) but am considering changing it from a triple to a 1x set up.
Is it as simple as removing the FD, and sticking a single front chainring on it - as well as sorting out the right ratios on the cassette etc?
Am I missing something?


  • steve_sordy
    steve_sordy Posts: 2,448
    Pretty much!

    You will need to ensure the chain is in line with the middle of the cassette.

    A simple way to do the conversion is to leave the crank as is, but remove the smallest and largest rings. By all means replace the middle ring with a narrow wide ring to assist with chain retention and to get a better sized chain ring.

  • billycool
    billycool Posts: 833
    As Steve says, you effectively replace the middle ring with a NW chainring.

    You'll need to check your BCD and buy the appropriate chainring. On a 3x it might be 104 BCD. You'll probably need shorter chainring bolts as a 3x would have longer ones.

    It also assumes that your current 3x allows you to remove the chainrings!
    "Ride, crash, replace"
  • Cool, thanks guys...yes, the chainrings are all off as I’ve stripped the bike down. The outer was a single ring, the middle and small rings were joined as a set.
    I’ll be exploring ratios and BCDs soon then!
    Thanks again