Vortex, garmin 500, training platform help

Sorry if these are daft questions,
I’m looking at upgrading my turbo to the tacx vortex, I have a garmin edge 500, heart rate, speed and cadence sensor (ANT+). With this can connect to an iPhone or iPad? Or my only other option is an older note book laptop? however I can’t run sufferfest from this as that didn’t seen to want to run on Windows 7 (I know it’s old hat).
With the above what are my connecting options and what platforms will work on an older laptop or iPhone?

Hope that makes sense and you can help.


  • wongataa
    wongataa Posts: 1,001
    You can't use ANT+ with iPhones or iPads. They can only use Bluetooth connections.

    1) buy new sensors that are ANT+ and Bluetooth so you can use your Apple kit
    2) get a computer that can run the software you want to use (will need a ANT+ USB dongle to connect your sensors to a computer)
  • Thanks for that, that is what I suspected. Perfect
  • navrig2
    navrig2 Posts: 1,851
    edited January 2020
    The Vortex has bluetooth as well as Ant+.

    I use mine to connect to an Androind phone which does not have Ant+.