Tubeless puncture repair kit (no inner tube ?)

So with more people now running TL on their road bikes do you all still carry a tube around with you ? and more to the point what does for puncture repair kit consist of if running TL ?

After almost a year of TL i can only say it's been a pleasure once i had got my head around the correct set up for my rims. At the time i switched over i just kept the habit of carrying tyre levers and an inner tube however it has always bugged me, why ?

1) re-sealing a TL tyre at the roadside could be an arduous task, never done it but from experience of doing it at home i wouldn't want to be doing that roadside...
2) throwing in an inner tube just to get you home seems wrong some how and looks like giving up on TL

I added the Maxalami tyre worm kit and thought about replacing the inner tube with a small 60ml bottle of the Schwalbe Doc Blue sealant, valve core tool and a Co2 kit or pump.

Thoughts ?


  • I've been running road tubeless for just over 3 years now. To begin with I carried a tube but now just the Maxalami worms and more recently Stans Dart, which I have not used yet. I think the Dart is the way forward as they have a barb which stops the dart from coming out. I feel quite confident that with the Dart or worms, I'll not need to ever take the tyre off at the roadside.
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    Surely all you need is your missus telephone number in your phone isn’t it? :D

  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    On a serious note, what do you do if the tyre unseats roadside with a puncture? I’ve heard horror stories of trying to inflate them at home let alone roadside, in winter...

  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    oxoman said:

    I've never had a problem with this, but the tyre / rims are true tubeless that I've used. I always carry a Co2 inflator just in case.

    But doesn’t CO2 react with the fluid and prevent it sealing? I’m sure I’ve read that somewhere...

  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    edited January 2020
    In fact, it is in that article from Malcolm that you linked to earlier!

  • orraloon
    orraloon Posts: 13,036
    Yebbut. Is 'get you home' vs 'sort out the problem properly' later. I'd much rather be resetting my wheel at home, in the light, and the warm...
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    I see. :)

  • thecycleclinic
    thecycleclinic Posts: 395
    edited January 2020
    Co2 can cause some sealant to become ineffective but if you have punctured and had to stop already I'd say the sealant is not being effective already. Co2 has two purpose to refinate a plugged tyre when your too tired to.pump but you risk blowing it out so your best of pumping or to reset a tyre that has unseated. If that happen you have a problem as co2 does not ways reset a tyre,there needs to be liquid sealant present for it to lubricate the bead. If the selant is all dried up and your tyre unseats there maybe too much friction to over come.

    This is why co2 is not that useful. I carry it but if I use it I do so with care not to dump all of it in the tyre.

    This is also why after the sealant has had to do it thing after initial set deflate the tyre and see what happens
    Does the tyre unseat easily in which case there are extra things you need to pack like a tube.

  • Great info and happy to see that there's other tubeless people that don't carry tubes...

    I've always seen Co2 as a way to easily inflate a TL post worm repair at the roadside, then at home do the job properly so to speak. I wonder if that say 1-2hrs is enough to create the issue with the sealant ?
  • I've been running road tubeless for just over 3 years now. To begin with I carried a tube but now just the Maxalami worms and more recently Stans Dart, which I have not used yet. I think the Dart is the way forward as they have a barb which stops the dart from coming out. I feel quite confident that with the Dart or worms, I'll not need to ever take the tyre off at the roadside.

    Just had a look at the Dart video, very interesting.

    For for the tip on that.