Ever felt like the universe was against you?

So, new winter bike bought, got out on it three weeks in a row which was making me very happy as it’s been a rubbish year. Then last week I catch a cold. Day off work shivering my rear end off then the cough. Which has now travelled down to my chest and just wont budge. So that’ll be two weekends not riding just when things were looking up. Bugger.


  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Got some bad news for ya. The universe does not consider you important enough to be "against you". Suck it up. These kinds of problems(and worse) confront just about everyone at one time of another in their life.
  • Longshot
    Longshot Posts: 940
    dennisn said:

    Got some bad news for ya. The universe does not consider you important enough to be "against you". Suck it up. These kinds of problems(and worse) confront just about everyone at one time of another in their life.

    I'm glad to see all this publicity about mental health has taken hold.
    You can fool some of the people all of the time. Concentrate on those people.
  • Tashman
    Tashman Posts: 3,506
    Feels like that to me most days still if I'm honest. And yes the "get over it" comments are always soooo helpful!
  • Have to try and focus on the good things and not the bad. Difficult I know
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    dennisn said:

    Got some bad news for ya. The universe does not consider you important enough to be "against you". Suck it up. These kinds of problems(and worse) confront just about everyone at one time of another in their life.

    Wow, patronising must be your middle name! Of course I know that the universe doesn’t care about me on account of me (a) being old enough to know better and (b) the universe doesn’t have any kind of intelligence that would allow it to know about anyone or anything. Jeez, make a tongue in cheek post exaggerating feelings of being fed up and this is what you get. TONGUE IN CHEEK EMOJI IF IT EXISTED

  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    And thanks for the positive encouragement folks. It is appreciated - just felt like acting like a spoiled kid for a moment!
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508
    oxoman said:

    Get well soon, unfortunately its par for the course commuting in all weathers.
    Could be worse though. This guy was put through it.

    Yeah I saw that. Thought the policeman looked a bit scruffy. Appalling how that all kicked off - definite grounds for a complaint.

    Thanks for the get well wishes. Got some antibiotics now so it’ll clear up (hopefully!)
  • Coughs. I fudging hate coughs. Last winter I had about 3 (albeit not really bad) colds in as many months. Mostly been fine since. However usually when I get a cough, it outlasts some species.

    In an attempt to avoid colds, I try to avoid places with queues and crowds. (mostly this is a patience issue tho) I try to go places away from peak times. NEVER EVER get on a bus, they are receptacles and vectors for disease. I also frequently wash my hands. Think of things that are touched by many people such as money, door nobs, chairs or fuel pumps. Don't pick your nose, scratch or touch your face after touching any of these. So far as is reasonably possible anyway. Wee bastards will get you at some point.
  • thistle_
    thistle_ Posts: 7,219

    Coughs. I fudging hate coughs. Last winter I had about 3 (albeit not really bad) colds in as many months. Mostly been fine since. However usually when I get a cough, it outlasts some species.

    In an attempt to avoid colds, I try to avoid places with queues and crowds. (mostly this is a patience issue tho) I try to go places away from peak times. NEVER EVER get on a bus, they are receptacles and vectors for disease. I also frequently wash my hands. Think of things that are touched by many people such as money, door nobs, chairs or fuel pumps. Don't pick your nose, scratch or touch your face after touching any of these. So far as is reasonably possible anyway. Wee bastards will get you at some point.

    Maybe we need a good plague to improve peoples' hygiene habits.
  • johngti
    johngti Posts: 2,508

    Coughs. I fudging hate coughs. Last winter I had about 3 (albeit not really bad) colds in as many months. Mostly been fine since. However usually when I get a cough, it outlasts some species.

    In an attempt to avoid colds, I try to avoid places with queues and crowds. (mostly this is a patience issue tho) I try to go places away from peak times. NEVER EVER get on a bus, they are receptacles and vectors for disease. I also frequently wash my hands. Think of things that are touched by many people such as money, door nobs, chairs or fuel pumps. Don't pick your nose, scratch or touch your face after touching any of these. So far as is reasonably possible anyway. Wee bastards will get you at some point.

    It'd be lovely to avoid people but unfortunately I teach so can't avoid them. Hundreds of them, all teenagers and all boys. And I work in a listed building that's draughty and damp. I'm screwed!

    Still, drugs are definitely kicking in so there's that!