Asking an LBS to build a frame not bought from them

I've bought a few bikes from my local LBS. I've found a secondhand frame and I'd like them to build the bike for me from parts I have following a frame I have getting cracked. They had quoted me on a new frame, but TBH the secondhand frame is a bargain and suits my needs. I feel a bit awkard about asking them. Should I? First world problems eh :)


  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    Ask, what’s the worst thing that can happen? They will happily service bikes brought in by ANYONE and charge a rate for doing so, so why should building a bike be any different? They will just charge you an hourly rate I would have thought and you can decide if it’s worth it or not. Makes sense to learn to do it yourself though, it’s not hard...

  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    Oh and p.s. I’ve bought several bikes for me and the family from my lbs but have still got them to do certain jobs on my top end Italian bikes that they don’t sell...

  • janwal
    janwal Posts: 489
    Can’t see a problem. My LBS does it no problem. Charges same as a gold service about £100. All set up properly. A job is a job and they know I will be back for other stuff. Just ask.
  • Of course they'll do it.
  • secretsam
    secretsam Posts: 5,120
    Lots of bike shops have a specific price for doing just this - no different to a top level service, if it's new bits even less. Why would they say no? It's all money.

    It's just a hill. Get over it.
  • kingstonian
    kingstonian Posts: 2,847
    You're giving their workshop a job - they can quote you a price and either you're happy to pay that price or not. If they choose to turn the business away that's up to them - would be a weird thing to do, but hey ho.
  • slowbike
    slowbike Posts: 8,498

    You're giving their workshop a job - they can quote you a price and either you're happy to pay that price or not. If they choose to turn the business away that's up to them - would be a weird thing to do, but hey ho.

    Depends - yes, you're right - I've declined to work on computers - because once you've worked on it, anything goes wrong tends to be your fault. I guess it would be similar with a bike build - yer - sure, you can build a bike, but given 2nd hand frame & components - you want do provide a workable outcome - you may not be able to guarantee that - so you'd decline the work - or increase the price so you can guarantee that ...

    Eitherway - it's worth the ask - whats the worst they can say ... "No" ?

    FWIW - I've just rang my local car garage to get a price on a filter change - I could do it myself, but it's quite convoluted to get to, plus it could be 1 of 2 different filters. Simplest to get the garage to do it if it's not too much - fortunately, it's a reasonable cost so they've got the work.
  • pilot_pete
    pilot_pete Posts: 2,120
    I can see the argument against using second hand parts, but as long as they make it clear (probably with a written quote) that there is no guarantee relating to the second hand parts and/or that some of them may prove not to be serviceable after removal then I can’t see the issue...

  • Thanks all for your replies. I think it's just dumb embarrassment on my part. Fact is that I will end up buying another bike from them in the future. I will ask them. Thanks again!