Riding with a worn freehub

dynamokev Posts: 38
edited September 2019 in Workshop
Hi All

I ride a Boardman Pro Carbon Disc 2017, a lovely bike but has an abysmal freehub that wears out in no time. Had one replaced after 6 months (so no more than 3000 miles) and this one has now been identified by my local mechanic as worn too. Wasn't especially noticeable but now experiencing some noises from the rear that I assume are worn/loose bearings shifting around. I've a set of Fulcrum Racing 5 LGs being fitted next week in the hope these will be considerably better. In the meantime, I'm still riding but a little worried something catastrophic is likely to happen if I carry on. Normally I'd be looking at doing another 150 miles between now and the new set being fitted. Does anyone have a sense of a) how long you might get away with riding like this and b) what the worst thing that could happen is - just no more ability to pedal or would cassette/chain or anything else get wrecked?

I'm an utter dunce when it comes to mechanics so appreciate the above may be a series of very stupid questions! Many thanks for any help/advice.


  • Should just get noisy and creaky, and youve got new wheels on the way.

    Can your lbs not just change the bearings in the free hub? What wheels are they?

    I find myself changing the bearings in my zipp freehub twice a year. Takes ten mins total and costs a fiver a bearing. The official Zipp bearings are more expemsive and aren’t any more durable.
  • Thanks! Bought from Halfords (curses!) who wouldn't replace the freehub. Rather than pay for that and no doubt have to do again and again, decided on better wheels. This freehub isn't serviceable so once worn there's nothing to do but replace it. They're just stock Boardman wheels that came with the bike - unsure of the model but a replacement rear wheel would have been £85 so presumably not the best quality (as the freehub would attest!).

    If it's no more than additional noises/creakiness (the pedalling motion and shifting are OK for now) to worry about then I'll probably keep going as normal until the new ones are fitted.
  • I think you'll find the fulcrum freehubs will wear out quickly as well. The fulcrum body uses the lighter campagnolo fh buu015 freehub but has bearing seals for dry weather. The campagnolo fh buu015 freehub is steel and has seals better suited to british weather.

    With the fulcrum body you can replace the bearings. Replace them with something decent and with contacting seals and bearing life is improved.
    http://www.thecycleclinic.co.uk -wheel building and other stuff.
  • photonic69
    photonic69 Posts: 2,673
    With a worn freehub body one of three thing can happen:
      1 - It will be fine and you'll carry on as normal until fixed 2 - The freehub will stop being a freehub and wind up your chain if you stop pedalling 3 - The freehub pawls will stop engaging and leave you with no drive to the rear wheel and stranded somewhere

    It's your choice :D

    Sometimes. Maybe. Possibly.