Finding my way back...

innanutshell Posts: 2
edited September 2019 in Women's cycling forum
I'm considering a return to scenic cycling after a few years break - I have arthritis which has got worse more recently - previously I had a cheapie Apollo from Halfords but despite riding it a reasonable amount I found it very wearing on my wrists - mostly likely the seat wasn't adjusted correctly? Perhaps I put too much weight into my arms rather than where it should be? I get upper back ache from cycling too and maybe this too is related to an incorrect type of bike. I'm currently wondering if a more old fashioned upright might be the way to go - even though I'm not keen on the look of them.

I'm quite short - it appears my ideal size bike frame would be 15-16" frame which to me looks very small.

I am an older rider - just for fun - mostly off road - on gravel tracks & tarmac or earth pathways - possibly later with a toddler seat attached.

I don't want to spend a fortune so maybe looking for a second hand version of something good. Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated. :D


  • ti_yred
    ti_yred Posts: 55
    Go to your local bike shop and speak to them. They usually have a few second hand bikes in store that people bring in to use in part ex and should be able to get you sized up correctly. It's in their interest to give you the best service so they can keep you coming back as a regular customer.

    Everybody starts somewhere and your LBS should be more than happy to get you back in the saddle. Good luck!
  • I have fairly advanced arthritis in my shoulders and lower back. I agree that a good fitting bike is going to be highly beneficial.
    However, I’ve also gained a lot by good discussions with my GP, Practice Pharmacist and Hospital Consultants. All agree that keeping me riding using a painkiller regime greatly outweighs the risks of medication. I’m fortunate that the Pharmacist especially has allowed me to try a variety of medications to find out what works best for me. This way I can ride at least every other day to a decent standard, and minimise potential issues with the medication. I hope that your GP Practice can be as supportive.


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